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Gospel Teaching and Learning
Gospel Teaching and Learning
This teaching handbook explains gospel principles and fundamental skills needed in scripture study and teaching that will help seminary and institute teachers teach more effectively. To assist teachers in their efforts, this Gospel Teaching and Learning handbook has been provided. It is a resource book. Teachers should be familiar with its contents and refer to it again and again, focusing on those areas that would be of greatest help to them. As teachers study this handbook and seek direction from the Lord, He will inspire them in their preparation, strengthen their relationships with students, magnify their teaching, and bless them with the Spirit to more fully accomplish His work.
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Teachings of the Living Prophets Teacher Manual
Teachings of the Living Prophets Teacher Manual
Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles declared: Living prophets are leading this church today. The greatest security of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints comes from learning to listen to and obey the words and commandments that the Lord has given through living prophets. I would hope that the world would understand the importance of having a living prophet on earth today. (In Conference Report, Apr. 1995, 19; or Ensign, May 1995, 17) As the teacher for this course, you have the opportunity of helping your students recognize the blessing of living in a day when living prophets are upon the earth. You can help them know that Heavenly Father speaks today as He has in all dispensations. When the living prophets speak in an authoritative capacity to the members of the Church, what they say is “the mind of the Lord, . . . the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation” (D&C 68:4). Prayerfully study the scriptures and general conference addresses. Seek the Holy Spirit as you choose learning activities that help students grow spiritually. Help students discover, understand, and live the truths presented in the conferences of the Church. This manual supplements your preparation by providing introductory information to the chapters, identifying scriptures and gospel principles, and suggesting ways you can help students understand the doctrine and apply it in their lives.
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Religious Bodies
Religious Bodies
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