Lifespan of Starlight #3: Edge of Time
The thrilling conclusion to the Lifespan of Starlight trilogy On the run from the government, Scout uses time-travel as a way to survive. But her decades-long disappearance is finally catching up with her… When Scout returns from her longest time-skip yet, her world has been turned upside down. Her friends are now co-operating with the authoritarian regime that Scout worked so hard to escape from – and they’re prepared to hand her in. Her life depends on a virtual stranger, and with surveillance tighter than ever, evading capture will be next to impossible. Worst of all, Mason is nowhere to be found. As Scout sets out on a desperate search for Mason, she discovers something shocking: living somewhere in the heart of the city is a mysterious woman who holds the key to travelling backwards in time. But who is she, and how did she learn to skip? Finding her could offer Scout a chance to shape a new future – if she can learn to let go of her past.