Thoughts That Come from Growing Old
The author describes the book as being informative, as it relates to people on any age level. The book deals with situations that happen to people some on a daily basis, and some not so regular. The book deals with life in general, the quotes are informative, and can be applied to daily life. The book was written to arouse the attention of the reader, and to perhaps let the reader pay more attention as to what really goes on in life daily. The book gives suggestions on simple day to day lifes problems, and how you might be able to alleviate some of those worrisome problems. This book is not a fix all, it merely gives some simple solutions to some of the problems. The book as it is titled is uniqueness within itself, because it covers a variety of topics. The book was designed to hopefully energize the mind, uplift the spirit, and to make you the reader pay more attention to life daily around you. The author definitely believes after a person reads this book, it just might be the medicine the reader needs to jump start his or her life. I am sure many people have heard these quotes before, but never paid any serious attention to what the quotes conveyed. It is the intent of this book to arouse the curiosity of the reader, and to hopefully give the reader a different outlook on life. Life is simple when you really understand it.