The Best Is yet to Come
This book title was given to me by Mother, who is now resting in peace with the Lord. Life has many challeneges and truly an uncertian journey, but when we are made clearly aware of who is in full control of our lives, we can take the journey with confidence, knowing that we are never alone, even when it feels like we are. No matter what experiences we may face, we do not have to stay there. We must strive for better, and God through His sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus Christ has left us with One, The Holy Spirit, who is our Comforter.We walk by faith and not by sight, trusting and believing that we are secure and safe in our relationship with The Lord and we can depend on Him, not depending on anyone else, not even ourselves. We can expect greatness and be assured that even when this life is over, we have hope in our Risen Savior, that we will spend eternity with Him forever.