St. Teresa's Own Words
Arranged from Chapters 28 and 29 of her Way of Perfection for the use of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Darlington, by JAMES, BISHOP OF HEXHAM & NEWCASTLE This book begins: It is called the Prayer of Recollection because in it the soul collects, or gathers together, all her powers, and enters into her own interior with God. I wish I knew how to describe to you this holy intercourse which, without disturbing in the least her perfect solitude, is carried on between the soul and her Divine Spouse and Companion, the Holy of Holies, and which takes place as often as ever she pleases to enter into this interior paradise in company with her God, and to shut the gate to all the world besides. I say, as often as she pleases; for you must understand that this is not altogether a supernatural thing, but is quite within our own power, and we can do it whenever we chose; I mean, of course, with God's help, for without this we can do nothing at all, not so much as have a single good thought. For you must observe that this recollection is not a suspension of the powers of the soul, but only a shutting them up, as it were, within ourselves.