Academic Research & Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences - I
Editors Shajara Ul DURAR and Mohammed El Amine ABDELLI Published by: Global Academy Publishing House Cover & Design: Global Academy Publishing House & Erhan Karaman ISBN Number: 978-625-8284-55-3 Publishing Date: February 25, 2023 All rights of this book belong to Global Academy Publishing House.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, retrieved system, ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the Global Academy Publishing House. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable for criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. All chapters published in this book have been double blind peer reviewed. ©Copyright February, 2023 Certificate No: 64419 Adress: Konutkent 2955. St. Oyak 1 No: 8/6 Cankaya / Ankara / TURKIYE The individual essays remain the intellectual properties of the contributors. e-mail: Place of Publication: Kaplan Ofset Adress: Davutpaşa caddesi, Güven iş Merkezi, C Blok No:279-280 İstanbul Certificate No: 44367 Perface This book provides insight into the Examination of institutions in terms of working hours, fragile currency, fragile economies and nominal triple deficits index (r-tdi), digitization of human resource management, regional convergence, and innovation policies in the countries under study, development of skills and processes related to primary school education, private sector activities within the framework of climate policies in relevant areas, the impact of disruptive and turbulent environments on multinational companies in terms of international relations, efficiency analysis of wind power plants in Turkey using enhanced OCRA context and social transformation in mass communication. It also addresses modern issues related to digitalization, innovation, the development of reading skills, and climate policies. Decision-makers and international institutions are interested in it. The book dealt with a set of recent studies related to that time and meanings are created at the intersection of each other based on the worker's life, relationships and employment history, that the issue of good governance is much more important than the issue of additional public investment, that institutions and mechanisms are essential for the diversification of production, that scientific studies in the light of the data obtained from two large databases such as Web of Science and Scopus after theoretical information on the digitalization of HRM are very few studies in this field, One of the skills measured in the internationally recognized PISA exam, which is attended by students from 79 countries, is the ability to read, recent economic disruptions are a close link between political processes and the strategies of multinational corporations (MNCsr) and their affiliates, Turkey continues to view the problem of the climate crisis as a foreign policy issue, and in order to measure the representation of the r-TDI index, other indicators of fragility for a decade or more With the help of tables and graphs, the conclusions of the assessments made on eleven fragile economies and in this context the fragility of the TDI values are primarily the ability to represent and the extent of its effects on institutions and organizations as well. This book is intended for management scholars, researchers, doctoral students, and entrepreneurs and policymakers.