Dark Passions Book Two
Intendent Kira, now Overseer for the entire Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, has entered into a dangerous liaison with Annika Hansen, unaware that Hansen is actually an agent of the Obsidian Order, with instructions to kill Kira when the time is right. But her treacherous partner is not the only threat the Intendent faces. Both Deanna Troi, sadistic mistress of Regent Worf, and B'Elanna Torres, the half-human Intendent of the Sol System, are wary of Kira's unquenchable ambition, and would gladly see her deposed...or worse. With its dramatically different portrayal of familiar characters in a universe 'gone wrong', the Mirror Universe setting has fascinated Star Trek fans since its very first incarnation in the original series episode 'Mirror, Mirror'. Now Susan Wright's two-part crossover sequence takes much-loved alternate-world characters from Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Intendent Kira and Regent Worf amongst them - and gives them new opponents, as characters from Voyager and The Next Generation also find their way into a universe turned upside down.