From Sky to Sea
Edwin A. Link was a frontiersman in the realms of sky and sea. He is perhaps best known as the inventor of the Link flight trainer, first of its kind in the simulator industry, which has since been refined to serve land, sea, and space. In oceanic circles he is also known for taking up sea going adventures half-way through his life, including treasure diving; bringing up an anchor thought to be from the Santa Maria and searching for Columbus's landfall and subsequent route to Cuba; getting falsely arrested in Greece; and conducting the first extensive underwater archeological research work both on Jamaica's sunken city of Port Royal and on the coast of Israel. In so doing he produced many of the underwater tools and systems that are used world-wide today, carried out the world's first saturation dive himself, and orchestrated the world's first longest, deepest dive. From Sky to Sea tells not only of Ed's early barnstorming days, his numerous aviation inventions and his romance with both the high seas and his beloved wife, it describes his remarkable character, his stubborn will in the face of countless hardships and grievous personal loss, and his love for problem solving, exploration and discovery. More than the mere telling of a man's life, the narrating author uses her artist's insight to search out and paint impressions of the real Ed Link, the spirit of genius playing in an ordinary world, who received over 30 patents in his allotted 77 years.