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Sultan Bahoo
Sultan Bahoo
The spiritual descendant of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo and the current Spiritual Leader of Sarwari Qadri Order Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has contributed great work on the life histories and teachings of our eminent Saint ancestors specially Hazrat Sultan Bahoo. His book “Sultan Bahoo” is not just another book on the life history of Sultan Bahoo but a complete research on the concealed aspects of his life. The lovers and devotees of Sultan Bahoo can benefit a lot from this great book. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain
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The Mohammadan Reality
The Mohammadan Reality
Several books have been written on the physical aspects of the Holy Prophet but the major aspect, the spiritual one has always been missed by the writers. Although this book unfolds the reality of the creation and the Creator Who created His Beloved first of all and made everything for him. Faith is not perfected without his Ishq. He is the Manifestation of Divine Essence. It is the Prophet Mohammad who is the authoritative being of His riches and the Alams and who is ever present in the world for his lovers to feast their eyes on his exquisite beauty. He is the first, the last and the obvious and hidden. He is endowed upon the vast knowledge of the cosmos as Allah Himself knows everything. He is the mirror of the Divine Beauty. The spiritual ones are still benefitted by his guidance. His love burns all other loves into ashes and then the faith is accomplished. One must know the true status of the Holy Prophet which was granted to him by Allah Himself. The book can enlighten the Momins to recognize their beloved prophet. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain
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Sultan-Bahoo-The Life and Teachings
Sultan-Bahoo-The Life and Teachings
“Sultan Bahoo-The Life and Teachings” is in fact the first encyclopedia of all the teachings of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo and his complete biography. The book is available in both Urdu and English. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain
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Sultan ul Waham (Sultan of Waham)
Sultan ul Waham (Sultan of Waham)
“Sultan ul Waham” is one of the rarest books of Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo who is the most eminent Saint of Sub-continent. Sultan-ul-Wahamis a very special and unique book regarding its teachings and effects. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #abyatebahookamil #abyatebahoo #nurulhudakalan #kaleedultauheedkalan #shamsulfuqara #ameerulkaunain #mohkimulfuqara #qurbedeedar #sultanbahoobooks #sultanbahoobooksinenglish sultanbahoobooksinurdu #risalaroohisharif #kashfulasrar #ganjulasrar #sirulasrar #ainulfaqr #sufismthesoulofislam #risalaghausia #haqbahoosultan #bahoosultan #haqbahusultan #sultanbahu #bahusultan #hazratsultanbahoo #hazratsultanbahu #sakhisultanbahoo #sakhisultanbahu
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The Spiritual Reality of Zakat English Edition
The Spiritual Reality of Zakat English Edition
The present book sets out to be a source of enlightenment to one of the fundamental principles of Islam called Zakat. It addresses everyone interested in Islamic studies and Sufism as well as readers who are bewildered with the reality behind intellectual doctrines often misinterpreted and veiled in modern times. This translation of the Urdu text ‘Haqeeqat-e-Zakat’, is part of the series devoted to the principle aspects of Islam with their universal reality unveiled for the first time by author and Shaikh, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. It is the most prudent and impeccable contribution in the world particularly Muslim world where the problem lies in the perception and application of ‘spending in the way of Allah’ which is very general and whose solution is uncovering the outer layers of ‘Zakat’ to explore its spiritual reality which is avidly sought but rarely found. ‘The spiritual reality of Zakat’ is that spending in the way of Allah is not limited to Zakat of Shariah but advances forward and extends beyond the laws of obligation where free will, dignity and love play their part making it the Zakat of Dignity. The book is an indirect emphasis on the fact that Islam and Sufism embrace each other. Where Shariah is the refined version of the basic concepts of Islam, Sufism is its entire cosmos, untold truth and the soul itself. Paradoxical to today’s norm of projecting a particular spiritual order, the book addresses Sufism as a whole within the expression of Islam. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #sultanulfaqr #fakir #faqr #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain
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The Spiritual Reality of Hajj
The Spiritual Reality of Hajj
This Book is the rarest attempt of its kind which brings out the true purpose of performing the basic obligation of Islam called Hajj. It delivers a guidance to any true seeker of Reality and discloses that the spiritual purpose of Hajj is not only to perform the outward rituals with complete submission to Allah but gaining the spiritual experiences of Divine presence and observation. The book opens one’s eyes to the reality that the outward journey of Hajj is resemblant to the inward journey towards Allah and is an emphasis on the fact that the worship of Hajj, when performed with the presence of heart, is a way of attaining the ultimate closeness to Allah in the worldly life. The book clarifies the misunderstood concept of shariah in the modern world that Hajj is limited only to certain rituals and convinces the reader to deliberate that Islam and Mysticism embrace each other. Following the pure form of shariah is beginning of the road which leads to the recognition of Allah. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain
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Ain ul Faqr (The Soul of Faqr)
Ain ul Faqr (The Soul of Faqr)
Ain-ul-Faqr (the soul of Faqr) is the most popular book by the eminent Saint of Sub-continent Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo. This subtle book contains spiritual lessons for all the common and special seekers of Allah whether they are at initial, middle or final level. It invites every Muslim towards the closeness, vision and union of Allah, hence achieve the main objective of life and religion. Sultan Bahoo beautifully uses verses of Quran, Hadiths and sayings of other Saints to endorse his words, which makes the seekers of Truth, believe and follow his sayings spontaneously. The marvel of this miraculous book is that is spiritually elevates its readers just by reading it with faith and true devotion. It diverts one’s attention from the wishes of transitory wealth and honour of this mortal world towards the treasures and honour of closeness of Allah in the hereafter. Sultan Bahoo also suggests the keys to this treasure and honour i.e. the zikr of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and guidance of Murshid Kamil. It is ensured that whoever reads this book with true intention to find the Reality, will surely be blessed with the accomplishment of his objective. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #abyatebahookamil #abyatebahoo #nurulhudakalan #kaleedultauheedkalan #shamsulfuqara #ameerulkaunain #mohkimulfuqara #qurbedeedar #sultanbahoobooks #sultanbahoobooksinenglish sultanbahoobooksinurdu #risalaroohisharif #kashfulasrar #ganjulasrar #sirulasrar #ainulfaqr #sufismthesoulofislam #risalaghausia #shamsularifeen #sultanulwaham #haqbahoosultan #bahoosultan #haqbahusultan #sultanbahu #bahusultan #hazratsultanbahoo #hazratsultanbahu #sakhisultanbahoo #sakhisultanbahu
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The Spiritual Reality of Prayer (Salat)
The Spiritual Reality of Prayer (Salat)
This book is an English version of the Urdu text „Haqeeqat-e-Namaz‟ that is written by the present Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri Order, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Madzillah-ul-Aqdas. It is not an ordinary book, it has the power to enliven the soul and open one‟s spiritual eye because it has gems and pearls of knowledge and wisdom in it. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #sultanulfaqr #fakir #faqr #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain
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Nur-ul-Huda Kalan (The Light of Divine Guidance)
Nur-ul-Huda Kalan (The Light of Divine Guidance)
Nur-ul-Huda (The Light of Divine Guidance) is an exceptional work by the great Saint of Sub-continent Sultan Bahoo containing grand treasures of mysticism. As the name depicts, it is light of right guidance for all who seek it. Sultan Bahoo himself elaborates the grandeur of book in these words; Know that by reading this mystical work based on Divine words, the reader is certainly immersed in the state of annihilation in Allah and reaches the essence of secret of ‘Be’. The words of this mystical work speak and by their efficacy, the reader gains enlightenment, insight, inward purification, spiritual unification and guidance towards the Divine secrets. No doubt, the discussion in this mystical work instantly takes the seeker to the Divine presence granting him the Miraj and closeness of Allah that leads to gnosis and Divine observations and shows him the spectacle of both the worlds making him aware of every state. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #haqbahoosultan #bahoosultan #haqbahusultan #sultanbahu #bahusultan #hazratsultanbahoo #hazratsultanbahu #sakhisultanbahoo #sakhisultanbahu noor ul huda kalan, noor ul huda qalan, nur ul huda kalan, nur ul huda qalan, noor ul hudaa kalan, noor ul hudaa qalan, nur ul hudaa kalan, nur ul hudaa qalan, noor ul huda qlan, noor ul huda qalaan, sultan bahoo books in english, sultan bahoo english books, sultan bahoo persian books, sultan bahoo books in persian
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Risala Roohi Sharif (The Divine Soul)
Risala Roohi Sharif (The Divine Soul)
Risala Roohi Sharif is one such Divine Message; concise, comprehensive and complete conveyed to us through the mosteminent Sufi Saint of the Sub Continent, Sultan Bahoo. He has written 140 books, of which Risala Roohi Sharif is the most popular and is the essence of all his teachings. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #risalaroohi #risalaroohisharif #risalaroohishareef #risalarohisharif #risalarohishareef #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanbahoobooks #bahusultanbooks #haqbahusultan #bahoosultan #haqbahoosultan #haqbahu #bahoonama #sultanbahookiktabain #sufismbooks #tasawwufbooks #islamicbooks
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