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Inside the Drama-House
Inside the Drama-House
Stuart Blackburn takes the reader inside a little-known form of shadow puppetry in this captivating work about performing the Tamil version of the Ramayana epic. Blackburn describes the skill and physical stamina of the puppeteers in Kerala state in South India as they perform all night for as many as ten weeks during the festival season. The fact that these performances often take place without an audience forms the starting point for Blackburn's discussion—one which explores not only this important epic tale and its performance, but also the broader theoretical issues of text, interpretation, and audience. Blackburn demonstrates how the performers adapt the narrative and add their own commentary to re-create the story from a folk perspective. At a time when the Rama story is used to mobilize political movements in India, the puppeteers' elaborate recitation and commentary presents this controversial tale from another ethical perspective, one that advocates moral reciprocity and balance. While the study of folk narrative has until now focused on tales, tellers, and tellings, this work explores the importance of audience—absent or otherwise. Blackburn's elegant translations of the most dramatic and pivotal sequences of the story enhance our appreciation of this unique example of performance art.
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Architectures of Justice
Architectures of Justice
Law can be seen to consist not only of rules and decisions, but also of a framework of institutions providing a structure that forms the conditions of its workable existence and acceptance. In this book Olsen and Toddington conduct a philosophical exploration and critique of these conditions: what they are and how they shape our understanding of what constitutes a legal system and the role of justice within it.
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Business Strategies for the Bottom of the Pyramid (Collection)
Business Strategies for the Bottom of the Pyramid (Collection)
3 extraordinary books show how to build “bottom of the pyramid” businesses that are sustainable, scalable, and profitable! Three remarkable books help you overcome the pitfalls of “bottom of the pyramid” business, learn from the pioneers’ successes and failures, and build “BoP” businesses that are sustainable, scalable, and consistently profitable! In Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity in BoP Markets: Strategies for Business and Economic Transformation, Eric Kacou shows how to escape the “survival trap” that keeps many BoP businesses small, inefficient, and unprofitable. Drawing on his unique on-the-ground experience in Africa’s most challenging business environments, Kacou identifies new business models, operational techniques, and leadership approaches that can help BoP businesses grow rapidly and successfully. In Next Generation Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid: New Approaches for Building Mutual Value, Ted London and Stuart L. Hart share proven, “on-the-ground” insights for building “Base of the Pyramid” businesses that really are sustainable and green, really will help alleviate social ills, and really can scale. Finally, in Capitalism at the Crossroads: Next Generation Business Strategies for a Post-Crisis World, Third Edition, Hart offers an up-to-the-minute primer on sustainable business for today’s executives, practical insights into what’s working and what isn’t, and expert insights for crafting and executing your company’s optimal sustainability strategy. From world-renowned leaders in successful bottom-of-the-pyramid business innovation, including Ted London, Stuart L. Hart, and Eric Kacou.
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Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion
Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion
Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion covers the proceedings of the Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion, held at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on August 27 to September 1, 1962, under the auspices of the Combustion Institute. The book focuses on the processes and reactions involved in combustion. The selection first offers information on flame strength of propane-oxygen flames at low pressures in turbulent flow and mixing and flow in ducted turbulent jets. Topics include radial profile of the jetting velocity, radial growth of the jet, and mixing zones of a ducted jet. The text then elaborates on turbulent flame studies in two-dimensional open burners; turbulent mass transfer and rates of combustion in confined turbulent flames; and flame stabilization in a boundary layer. The publication examines the theoretical study of properties of laminar steady state flames as a function of properties of their chemical components and spectra of alkali metal-organic halide flames. The text then takes a look at the thermal radiation theory for plane flame propagation in coal dust clouds; flame characteristics of the diborane-hydrazine system; and studies of the combustion of dimethyl hydrazine and related compounds. The selection is a dependable reference for readers interested in the processes and reactions involved in combustion.
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The Decline of Natural Law
The Decline of Natural Law
The law of nature -- The common law -- The adoption of written constitutions -- The separation of law and religion -- The explosion in law publishing -- The two-sidedness of natural law -- The decline of natural law and custom --Substitutes for natural law -- Echoes of natural law.
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The Complete Harvard Anthology of the Greatest Works of World Literature
The Complete Harvard Anthology of the Greatest Works of World Literature
The Complete Harvard Anthology of the Greatest Works of World Literature stands as a monumental contribution to the global literary canon, showcasing an unparalleled assembly of works across diverse genres, cultures, and epochs. This anthology traverses the full spectrum of literary artistry, from the philosophical dialogues of Plato and the tragedies of Aeschylus to the seminal novels of Miguel de Cervantes and the revolutionary scientific treatises by Charles Darwin. The collection not merely catalogs literary masterpieces but also endeavors to reveal the interconnectedness of human thought and culture, underlining standout contributions from fields as varied as literature, philosophy, and the natural sciences. The array of literary styles and thematic concerns represented here promises a rich tapestry of human experience and intellectual pursuit, capturing the essence of human creativity and inquiry throughout the ages. The contributing authors and editors of The Complete Harvard Anthology are not only titans in their respective fields but also emblematic of the historical and cultural contexts from which they emerged. From ancient philosophers like Marcus Aurelius to Renaissance polymaths like Leonardo da Vinci, and onward to Enlightenment thinkers such as Adam Smith and Romantic poets like Percy Bysshe Shelley, this anthology encapsulates a multitude of perspectives that have shaped human history and thought. The diverse backgrounds of these contributors ensure that the collection stands as a testament to the myriad ways in which the human condition and the quest for knowledge have been articulated across time and space, fostering an understanding of the intricate tapestry of global cultural and literary movements. This anthology is an indispensable treasure for any reader eager to embark on an expansive journey through the annals of world literature. It opens up a unique opportunity to engage with the thoughts, dreams, and imaginations of humanity's greatest minds, offering an educational experience that transcends mere literary enjoyment. Readers are invited to explore the depth and breadth of insights presented, encouraging a dialogue between the myriad voices and perspectives encapsulated within. For scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike, The Complete Harvard Anthology of the Greatest Works of World Literature is not just a collection of writings but a gateway to the world's intellectual heritage, promising an enriching exploration of the human spirit encapsulated in the written word.
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Harvard on the Beach
Harvard on the Beach
Harvard on the Beach' is a remarkable anthology that stands as a testament to the astounding breadth of human thought, creativity, and literary expression. This collection brings together an unparalleled assembly of works by some of the most influential figures in Western literature and philosophy. From the Enlightenment to Romanticism, from classical antiquity to the dawn of modern science, the range of literary styles and thematic explorations is as diverse as it is significant. The inclusion of seminal pieces from such varied disciplines emphasizes the interconnectedness of human inquiry, shedding light on the universal themes that have preoccupied thinkers across millennia. This anthology is remarkable not only for its scholarly breadth but also for assembling texts that reflect pivotal moments in the intellectual history of the West. The contributing authors and editors, each a titan in their respective fields, collectively offer a rich tapestry of cultural, philosophical, and literary movements. Figures like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and John Stuart Mill represent the pinnacle of literary and philosophical achievements in their cultures, while the inclusion of Dante, Plato, and Cicero bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern thought. The diversity of these contributors, encompassing poets, philosophers, scientists, and playwrights, provides a nuanced exploration of themes such as morality, beauty, political governance, and the nature of human understanding. Their collective works, aligned with key historical and cultural movements, facilitate a deeper appreciation for the undercurrents that have shaped Western thought. 'Harvard on the Beach' is an invitation to readers seeking to immerse themselves in the richness of human intellect and artistry. Through its pages, one will traverse the expanse of human history and philosophy, engaging with the minds that have shaped our current worldview. It offers an unparalleled educational journey, fostering a deeper understanding of the complex tapestry of human thought and cultural contributions. For anyone looking to broaden their perspective on the myriad ways in which the human condition has been examined and articulated, this anthology serves as an essential compass guiding through the ages of intellectual exploration.
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Kentuckians in Illinois
Kentuckians in Illinois
Professor Sprague has assembled a list of Kentuckians who migrated migrated to Illinois. Passing over conventional record sources, he has used information from published county histories and county atlases. Arranged in tabular format under the county of origin, entries include some or all of the following information: the name of the Kentucky migrant, his birthdate, the names of his parents and places of birth (if known), and the date of migration.
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