Immigration to North America
With about 1.4 billion people, China is the most populated nation in the world. However, overpopulation is only one of the country's many pressing issues. China's communist government has initiated economic reforms in recent decades, yet it still enforces oppressive measures on its people. Many Chinese seek to resettle in North America, where they may find better economic opportunities and are assured basic rights like freedom of expression and religion. Today, Chinese immigrants make up the third-largest foreign-born group in the United States, numbering over 2 million people. Chinese immigrants are the second-largest foreign-born group in Canada, at over 600,000. Although at one time Chinese immigrants were met with discrimination and prejudice, changing attitudes in North America have led to greater recognition and acceptance of this immigrant group's contributions to American and Canadian societies. Titles in this series contain color photos throughout, maps, graphs and illustrations, and back matter including: biographical information of famous people, a detailed index and further reading lists for books and internet resources. Key Icons appear throughout the books in this series in an effort to encourage library readers to build knowledge, gain awareness, explore possibilities and expand their viewpoints through our content rich non-fiction books. Key Icons in this series are as follows: Words to Understand are shown at the front of each chapter with definitions. These words are set in boldfaced type in that chapter, so that readers are able to reference back to the definitions--building their vocabulary and enhancing their reading comprehension. Sidebars are highlighted graphics with content rich material within that allows readers to build knowledge and broaden their perspectives by weaving together additional information to provide realistic and holistic perspectives. Text Dependent Questions are placed at the end of each chapter. They challenge the reader's comprehension of the chapter they have just read, while sending the reader back to the text for more careful attention to the evidence presented there. Research Projects are provided at the end of each chapter as well and provide readers with suggestions for projects that encourage deeper research and analysis. And a Series Glossary of Key Terms is included in the back matter containing terminology used throughout the series. Words found here broaden the reader's knowledge and understanding of terms used in this field.