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The Complete Musician
The Complete Musician
Bringing together the analytical, aural, and tactile activities that comprise a tonal theory curriculum, The Complete Musician, Second Edition, relies on a diverse repertoire and innovative exercises to explicitly connect theory (writing and analysis), skills (singing, playing, and dictation), and music-making outside the theory class. It provides students with a strong foundation in the principles of writing, analyzing, hearing, singing, and playing tonal harmony and enables them to understand the most important musical forms. Features of the Second Edition * Enhanced and supplemented by five music DVDs--two packaged with the text, two with Student Workbook I, and one with Student Workbook II. These DVDs contain a total of more than sixteen hours of high-quality recorded examples--from solo piano to full orchestra--of the examples and exercises in the text and workbooks, performed by soloists and ensembles from the Eastman School of Music and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. In addition, examples and exercises are included on the DVDs in downloadable MP3 format. * Significantly revised in order to improve general ordering between large topics (for example, the pre-dominant function is introduced earlier) and organization within chapters (particularly in Parts 1-4) * Offers new topics and expansions: a new chapter (16) devoted exclusively to the motive; new sections on analytical decision-making through Gestalt techniques (Chapters 2 and 7); lead sheet notation (Chapter 6); harmonizing florid melodies (beginning in Chapter 9); and an expanded section on musical texture and harmonic analysis (Chapter 6) * Introduces numerous analyses throughout the book, including thirteen "Model Analysis" sections, that provide extended analyses of canonical pieces * Includes more than 200 new examples, many from wind and brass literature * Explanations and definitions have been carefully revised for clarity, with added summary charts and step-by-step procedures * Offers new types of exercises--in both the text and in the workbooks--including exercises for single-line instrumentalists, listening exercises, and more graduated exercises * Workbook exercises are now structured in a consistent format of discrete assignments (four to eight assignments per chapter) that usually fit on one or two sheets of paper for ease in handing in to the instructor. Each assignment contains a variety of exercises, crafted for students with a wide range of abilities. Supplementary exercises are also included for further practice. * Expanded Instructor's Manual adds model solutions for more than 200 analysis and part writing exercises; each chapter includes teaching guidelines and supplementary analytical, dictation, playing, and writing exercises
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American Arbitration
American Arbitration
American Arbitration, some of the country's leading arbitrators provide the legal, institutional, documentary, and procedural guidance that can help you engage more effectively in this vital dispute resolution process.
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Show Tunes, 1905-1985
Show Tunes, 1905-1985
The shows, songs, and careers of Broadway's major composers--from Jerome Kern's first interpolation to Stephen Sondheim's latest work--are reexamined in this comprehensive reference book. Berlin, Gershwin, Rodgers, Porter, Arlen, Bernstein, Weill, Styne, and many more--their work, their innovations, their successes and failures are discussed. A total of 750 productions and 6,000 songs are cited and indexed. Also discussed are dozens of heretofore ignored shows that closed out of town or were not headed for Broadway; misplaced, forgotten songs, and shows by Kern, Gershwin, Rodgers, Loesser, Sondheim, and others have been rediscovered and carefully catalogued. Drawing upon his thorough knowledge of the workings of Broadway, Suskin analyzes the songs, shows, and composers from a practical, theatrical perspective. ISBN 0-396-08674-8: $39.95 (For use only in the library).
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Réussir tout le semestre 4 et 5 - IFSI
Réussir tout le semestre 4 et 5 - IFSI
Tout pour réviser et s'entraîner aux semestres 4 et 5 ! Les 13 UE suivantes sont abordées au travers de 110 fiches de cours synthétiques : Semestre 4 : • UE 1.3 - Législation, éthique, déontologie • UE 2.7 - Défaillances organiques et processus dégénératifs • UE 4.3 - Soins d'urgence • UE 4.4 - Thérapeutiques et contribution au diagnostic médical • UE 4.5 - Soins infirmiers et gestion des risques • UE 6.2 - Anglais Semestre 5 : • UE 2.6 - Processus psychopathologiques • UE 2.9 - Processus tumoraux • UE 2.11 - Pharmacologie et thérapeutiques • UE 4.2 - Soins relationnels • UE 4.4 - Thérapeutiques et contribution au diagnostic médical • UE 4.7 - Soins palliatifs et de fin de vie • UE 6.2 - Anglais Retrouvez également 150 entraînements en QCM, QROC et situations de soins commentées pour s'autoévaluer et se préparer à chaque épreuve. Cette 3e édition propose de nouvelles fiches dont une partie en podcast, des vidéos de gestes essentiels et de l'entraînement à faire en ligne.
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Réussir tout le diplôme infirmier - IFSI
Réussir tout le diplôme infirmier - IFSI
Toutes les fiches de révision pour valider ses 3 années d'études en IFSI ! Découvrez dans cette compil plus de 500 fiches pour réviser toutes les UE des 3 années d'études ! Organisée par semestre, cette compil comprend : • des fiches de cours synthétiques, qui balaient tout le programme des semestres 1 à 6 ; • des schémas légendés et des encadrés "Rôle infirmier" ; • des conseils de formateurs pour comprendre comment travailler chaque UE. • Offert ! Retrouvez des fiches audio à écouter pour mieux assimiler le cours et des vidéos des principaux gestes techniques à connaître.
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Neuro-Ophthalmologywas developed for practitioners, residents, and students who encounter patients with disturbances of the afferent visual pathways and efferent ocular motor systems. It contains in-depth discussionsof neurophthalmic topics and disorders to help readers diagnose and manage patients. Each chapter includes an introduction to the structures or disorders discussed, followed by a review of their neuroanatomy, symptoms, and signs. A detailed discussion ofthe presentation, pathophysiology, diagnosis, neuroimaging and diagnostic studies, and management of the diseases which affect that structure follows. The book is divided into four parts history and examination, afferent disorders, efferent disorders, and headache to provide readers with thorough, clinically focused information. Repetition between chapters is kept to a minimum through diligent cross-referencing of topics, figures, and tables. Reviews of neuroanatomy andneurophysiology are based upon clinical and pathological observations in humans without extensive discussion of experimental literature involving non-human primates and other animals, making this resource excellent for board preparation. The examination chapter includes reviews of the neurological examination and the bedside neuro-ophthalmic evaluation of comatose patients, helping readers to neuroanatomically localize the problem and determine its etiology. Highly illustrated and referenced, this organized and uniform textbook bridges the gap between neuro-ophthalmic encyclopedias and neuro-ophthalmic handbooks containing tables, outlines, and flow-diagrams.
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Elements of Newspaper Design
Elements of Newspaper Design
"Covering every aspect of newspaper design from typography to photography, from redesign to the specifics of a design stylebook, this volume is an essential text for use in graphic journalism courses and an effective reference source for editors and publishers. [This book] includes more than 200 examples from newspapers throughout the United States, and 60 interviews plus statistical tables that show how editors use various graphic elements in their publications"--Back cover.
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Employment Issues and Multiple Sclerosis
Employment Issues and Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis produces wide-ranging effects on a person's physical, psychological, and social functioning. One of the most important is its effect on employment. Although the vast majority of people with this disease have employment histories and were working at the time of diagnosis, many are unable to maintain employment as the disease progresses. Employment Issues and Multiple Sclerosis, 2nd Edition is a must read for any person with MS that has a question regarding employment and disability. Chapters cover everything from vocational rehabilitation to job placement, and the laws covering employment. The Updated Edition Includes: NEW chapter detailing employee rights concerning medical leave, health insurance portability and accountability, and continuation of benefits NEW chapter on Social Security Disability Insurance programs An expanded and updated chapter on the Americans with Disabilities Act An expanded and updated chapter on research and services regarding the employment of Americans with MS Completely updated chapter on policy, programming, and research recommendations to improve the rate of labor force participation of people with MS Intended for people with MS, their families, physicians, nurses, social workers, rehabilitation professionals, and others interested in the employment implications of MS, this comprehensive new text is a basic resource guide to matters of research, public policy, and service delivery. The author also discusses current trends in health care and rehabilitation, and recommends reforms to better serve the interests of people with MS.
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