The Ancestors of Carolyn Elizabeth (Hills) Fox, Part I, Paternal Ancestry
This book contains biographical sketches of 200 plus named paternal ancestors of Carolyn Elizabeth (Hills) Fox extending back to the 16th century. The 58 family lines identified are predominantly from the British Isles that arrived in New England between 1625 and 1650 and include the family names of: Abell, Allen, Bardwell, Bosworth, Bowen, Brackett, Brown, Bucklin, Carver, Comstock, Dale, Dickinson, Elderkin, Eustace/Esten/Thomas, Fowler, Freeman, Gardiner, Gifford, Graves, Grymwade, Gull, Heaton, Hills, Ingraham, Kendrick, Kinnicutt, Lumpkin, Luther, Manton, Newcomb, Newell, Pidge, Randall, Read, Sabin, Sale, Scott, Sedgwick, Shepardson, Smith, Wilmarth, Wight,and others.