World Politics in a New Era
Thoroughly updated in its fifth edition, World Politics in a New Era is a comprehensive and thought-provoking text for introductory courses on world politics. Reflecting the changes that have occurred worldwide since the collapse of the Berlin Wall--including recent upheavals in the financial sphere--the book integrates coverage of the competing threads of globalization and fragmentation, examining how they tangle and weave through studies of global politics, economics, and culture. World Politics in a New Era, Fifth Edition, provides a uniquely in-depth treatment of the field by introducing key contemporary issues with theory; supporting these issues with historical context; and giving students the analytical tools to apply the theories to current issues. It introduces the major theories used to explain international relations--realism, liberalism, constructivism, and a few select alternatives--in Chapter 2, providing students with a primer on the topic. Discussions of these theories are then incorporated into the narrative throughout the text, creating a useful framework for analysis. Extensive historical coverage in four chapters (3-6) reviews key events in world politics from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 to the present, offering students the best context to fully comprehend the modern political stage. Chapters 7-14 cover key topics in contemporary world politics: security, trade and investment, development, human and resource issues, global governance, and ethics. FEATURES: * "At a Glance" text boxes apply the theories and levels of analysis--individual, domestic, and systemic--to each chapter's theme * "What Would You Do" boxes profile real-life events, asking students to play the role of a world leader/decision maker and propose a solution that takes into account the many complexities of world politics * "Spotlight" features in every chapter highlight interesting people, places, and situations; discuss important international events and colorful personalities in greater depth; or focus on specific facets of complex conflicts or theories NEW TO THIS EDITION: * Thoroughly updated to reflect the economic crisis, the changing security environment, data on issues in population, migration, and health, and more * Refines the discussion of constructivism, emphasizing that its significance equals that of realism and liberalism * Explains (in the four history chapters) how specific events were chosen for study and why history itself is important SUPPLEMENTS: * A Companion Website at offers substantial review materials for students and password-protected resources for instructors * Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank * Computerized Test Bank * PowerPoint-based slides * Instructor's Resource CD including the Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank, the Computerized Test Bank, the PowerPoint-based slides, and graphics from the text