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The Last American
The Last American
SCIENCE FICTION ============================================================================================== HIGH FINANCE; HIGH DRAMA; HIGH STAKES!! The wolf is finally at the door! Overextended and no longer able to defend herself, America finally succumbs to the forces of evil gathering around her. A secret, underground army tries but is unable to put down the rebellion. Holocaust is upon the land. This is the story of one family's heroic struggle to beat the odds and to keep the hope of freedom that is America alive. ============================================================================================== "Political intrigue, murder, sex, and a country on the brink of disaster. Burgauer combines all the elements in this futuristic story that gets better and better with each page." Ken Behrens . . . WJBC radio Steven Burgauer lives and writes in Illinois, along with his collection of torture instruments and Medieval killing tools.
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Statecraft by Stealth
Statecraft by Stealth
Britain relied upon secret intelligence operations to rule Mandatory Palestine. Statecraft by Stealth sheds light on a time in history when the murky triad of intelligence, policy, and security supported colonial governance. It emphasizes the role of the Anglo-Zionist partnership, which began during World War I and ended in 1939, when Britain imposed severe limits on Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine. Steven Wagner argues that although the British devoted considerable attention to intelligence gathering and analysis, they never managed to solve the basic contradiction of their rule: a dual commitment to democratic self-government and to the Jewish national home through immigration and settlement. As he deftly shows, Britain's experiment in Palestine shed all pretense of civic order during the Palestinian revolt of 1936–41, when the police authority collapsed and was replaced by a security state, created by army staff intelligence. That shift, Wagner concludes, was rooted in Britain's desire to foster closer ties with Saudi Arabia just before the start of World War II, and thus ended its support of Zionist policy. Statecraft by Stealth takes us behind the scenes of British rule, illuminating the success of the Zionist movement and the failure of the Palestinians to achieve independence. Wagner focuses on four key issues to stake his claim: an examination of the "intelligence state" (per Martin Thomas's classic, Empires of Intelligence), the Arab revolt, the role of the Mufti of Jerusalem, and the origins and consequences of Britain's decision to end its support of Zionism. Wagner crafts a superb story of espionage and clandestine policy-making, showing how the British pitted individual communities against each other at particular times, and why.
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Neurocognitive and Physiological Factors During High-Tempo Operations
Neurocognitive and Physiological Factors During High-Tempo Operations
Neurocognitive and Physiological Factors During High-Tempo Operations features world-renowned scientists conducting groundbreaking research into the basic mechanisms of stress effects on the human body and psyche, as well as introducing novel pharmaceutics and equipment that can rescue or improve maximal performance during stress. Its focus is on the military model as an exemplar for high-stress environments, the best for understanding human performance under stress, both in the short-term as well as in the long-term. The unprecedented demands on the modern soldier include constantly shifting enemy threat levels and tactics, ambiguous loyalties, rapidly evolving weaponry, and the need to amass, comprehend, retain, and act upon large datasets of information. During high-tempo operations, soldiers must maintain superior cognitive and physical skill levels throughout extended periods of little to no sleep. Furthermore, although a soldier fresh from training may perform at peak skill, the effects of cognitive and physical strain and sleeplessness during deployment can impair his or her ability to transfer instructional knowledge to complex real-life situations. It is necessary to understand how intense workloads, both mental and physical, combine with total sleep deprivation to alter soldier situation awareness, decision-making, and physical abilities. The resulting knowledge can be used to design rapid, deployable fitness-for-duty measures, alter training protocols, and assess training efficacy in order to enable decision-makers to act at peak ability during high operations tempo. In addition, dual-use applications of resulting knowledge and technology extend well into the civilian sector, to law-enforcement officers, healthcare professionals, and emergency responders. The book differs from many previous human factors publications by presenting state-of-the-art neuroscience data in a format that is comprehensible and informative for readers of diverse backgrounds. It not only details human behaviors and perception, but also provides concise brain imagery and physiological findings to support its conclusions. In addition, the incorporation of the US Army soldier model of extreme stress and extreme performance demands provides a real-life theme that anchors the scientific, organizational, assessment and response aspects of each chapter. This book synthesizes hard facts with real-life accounts of performing under stress and shows how a large oversight institution like the US Army can measure and improve human factors considerations for its members.
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Secularity and Science
Secularity and Science
Do scientists see conflict between science and faith? Which cultural factors shape the attitudes of scientists toward religion? Can scientists help show us a way to build collaboration between scientific and religious communities, if such collaborations are even possible? To answer these questions and more, the authors of Secularity and Science: What Scientists Around the World Really Think About Religion completed the most comprehensive international study of scientists' attitudes toward religion ever undertaken, surveying more than 20,000 scientists and conducting in-depth interviews with over 600 of them. From this wealth of data, the authors extract the real story of the relationship between science and religion in the lives of scientists around the world. The book makes four key claims: there are more religious scientists then we might think; religion and science overlap in scientific work; scientists - even atheist scientists - see spirituality in science; and finally, the idea that religion and science must conflict is primarily an invention of the West. Throughout, the book couples nationally representative survey data with captivating stories of individual scientists, whose experiences highlight these important themes in the data. Secularity and Science leaves inaccurate assumptions about science and religion behind, offering a new, more nuanced understanding of how science and religion interact and how they can be integrated for the common good.
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The Superfoods Rx Diet
The Superfoods Rx Diet
Draws on the theories presented in the best-selling SuperFoodsRx and SuperFoodsRx Healthstyle to present a customizable diet plan designed to promote weight loss while reducing cravings and enabling greater food consumption.
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World Politics in a New Era
World Politics in a New Era
Thoroughly updated in its fifth edition, World Politics in a New Era is a comprehensive and thought-provoking text for introductory courses on world politics. Reflecting the changes that have occurred worldwide since the collapse of the Berlin Wall--including recent upheavals in the financial sphere--the book integrates coverage of the competing threads of globalization and fragmentation, examining how they tangle and weave through studies of global politics, economics, and culture. World Politics in a New Era, Fifth Edition, provides a uniquely in-depth treatment of the field by introducing key contemporary issues with theory; supporting these issues with historical context; and giving students the analytical tools to apply the theories to current issues. It introduces the major theories used to explain international relations--realism, liberalism, constructivism, and a few select alternatives--in Chapter 2, providing students with a primer on the topic. Discussions of these theories are then incorporated into the narrative throughout the text, creating a useful framework for analysis. Extensive historical coverage in four chapters (3-6) reviews key events in world politics from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 to the present, offering students the best context to fully comprehend the modern political stage. Chapters 7-14 cover key topics in contemporary world politics: security, trade and investment, development, human and resource issues, global governance, and ethics. FEATURES: * "At a Glance" text boxes apply the theories and levels of analysis--individual, domestic, and systemic--to each chapter's theme * "What Would You Do" boxes profile real-life events, asking students to play the role of a world leader/decision maker and propose a solution that takes into account the many complexities of world politics * "Spotlight" features in every chapter highlight interesting people, places, and situations; discuss important international events and colorful personalities in greater depth; or focus on specific facets of complex conflicts or theories NEW TO THIS EDITION: * Thoroughly updated to reflect the economic crisis, the changing security environment, data on issues in population, migration, and health, and more * Refines the discussion of constructivism, emphasizing that its significance equals that of realism and liberalism * Explains (in the four history chapters) how specific events were chosen for study and why history itself is important SUPPLEMENTS: * A Companion Website at offers substantial review materials for students and password-protected resources for instructors * Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank * Computerized Test Bank * PowerPoint-based slides * Instructor's Resource CD including the Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank, the Computerized Test Bank, the PowerPoint-based slides, and graphics from the text
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Automation and Collaborative Robotics
Automation and Collaborative Robotics
Understand the current and future research into technologies that underpin the increasing capabilities of automation technologies and their impact on the working world of the future. Rapid advances in automation and robotics technologies are often reported in the trade and general media, often relying on scary headlines such as “Jobs Lost to Robots.” It is certainly true that work will change with the advent of smarter and faster automated workers; however, the scope and scale of the changes is still unknown. Automation may seem to be here already, but we are only at the early stages. Automation and Collaborative Robotics explores the output of current research projects that are improving the building blocks of an automated world. Research into collaborative robotics (cobotics) is merging digital, audio, and visual data to generate a commonly held view between cobots and their human collaborators. Low-power machine learning at the edge of the network can deliver decision making on cobots or to their manipulations. Topics covered in this book include: Robotic process automation, chatbots, and their impact in the near future The hype of automation and headlines leading to concerns over the future of work Component technologies that are still in the research labs Foundational technologies and collaboration that will enable many tasks to be automated with human workers being re-skilled and displaced rather than replaced What You Will Learn Be aware of the technologies currently being researched to improve or deliver automation Understand the impact of robotics, other automation technologies, and the impact of AI on automation Get an idea of how far we are from implementation of an automated future Know what work will look like in the future with the deployment of these technologies Who This Book Is For Technical and business managers interested in the future of automation and robotics, and the impact it will have on their organizations, customers, and the business world in general
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Sex, Lies and Private Eyes
Sex, Lies and Private Eyes
When it comes to sex, lies often follow... and in the dark heart of the city, death can be the ultimate payback! Moonstone Books, publisher of fine books and comics since 1995, is proud to present this landmark collection of all-new, original noir stories with the theme of 'sex for sale'. Written by some of today's top crime writers, Sex, Lies and Private Eyes features a stunning cast of legendary characters from the best mysteries of the past and present, including Alo Nudger and Fred Carver (John Lutz), Blackshirt (Adi Tantimedh), Candy Matson (Christine Matthews), Domino Lady (Gail Mcabee), Jack Hagee, PI, Kolchak: the Night Stalker and Lai Wan (CJ Henderson), The Envoy (Gary Phillips), Johnny Dollar (David Tischman), Mr. Keen (Mike Bullock), Pat Novak (Steven Grant), Sherlock Holmes (Loren D. Estleman), The Silencers (Fred Van Vliet), The Maze Agency (Mike W. Barr), Toby Peters (Stuart Kaminsky), and Truxton Lewis (Robert Randisi).
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SuperFoods HealthStyle
SuperFoods HealthStyle
A comprehensive blueprint for achieving better health includes new SuperFoods and SuperSpices, along with forty new recipes, an exercise plan, and a section on peer-reviewed information regarding the need for sleep, exercise, and downtime. 200,000 first printing.
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