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King of the Creeps
King of the Creeps
When a nerdy, unpopular high school senior notices his resemblance to Bob Dylan, he leaves home for Greenwich Village, in 1963, to become a folk singer.
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Managing Change in the Excellent Banks
Managing Change in the Excellent Banks
Since this book was first published four years ago, the pace of change in the banking world has accelerated and this updated version shows how specific banks have fared, how uniform the pressures for change are and the reasons for the decline in some banks.
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Japanese Banks and the Asset Price "Bubble"
Japanese Banks and the Asset Price "Bubble"
With the recent collapse of the asset price “bubble,” Japanese banks encountered significant pressure from both a sharp decline in the value of equity holdings and a marked increase in bad loans. In August 1992, the Government initiated measures that stabilized equity prices and assisted banks in managing their nonperforming loans. While the major banks disclosed that 4.6 percent of their total loans were nonperforming at the end of FY 1992, a mechanical estimate of all banks’ nonperforming and restructured loans is 6-7 percent of their total loans--a serious yet manageable problem. The main policy implications are to ensure the reasonably prompt resolution of the bad loan problem and to enhance market discipline to prevent its recurrence.
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Banking in Turmoil
Banking in Turmoil
The current banking crisis has tested every dimension of banking and created maximum uncertainty for its future - yet banks must plan for this future. Author of a number of books on best practice in bank management, Steven Davis has interviewed 25 senior bank executives, management consultants, regulators, rating agencies and analysts to understand how the strategies of the leading banks might evolve in the future. Its unique research, case studies of success, and conclusions for the future should be of interest to senior bank management as well as their advisors, regulators and analysts.
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Tom, o vambizomem, está de volta! E o lobisomem que o mordeu também. Enquanto ele continua tentando viver como um garoto normal, histórias monstruosamente engraçadas acontecem na escola. Ter aparência de vampiro e lobisomem tem seu lado positivo: Tom possui agora visão noturna, é super-rápido e forte! Já ter um lado zumbi não traz nenhuma vantagem... Mas a vida como um vambizomem pode ser realmente incrível se você tem grandes amigos
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Spongebob Exposed!
Spongebob Exposed!
This insider's guide to SpongeBob Squarepants includes a great lenticular image on the front cover.
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Bank Risk and the Declining Franchise Value of the Banking Systems in the United States and Japan
Bank Risk and the Declining Franchise Value of the Banking Systems in the United States and Japan
This paper associates both the increase in risk taken by wholesale banks in the United States and the decline in earnings at wholesale banks in Japan with a reduction in the franchise value of wholesale banking. In contrast with the conventional view that relates the franchise value of banking to informational advantages over other lenders, this paper argues that banks’ franchise value originates in their provision of liquidity and payments services to their customers. Therefore, the decline in corporate demand for bank liquidity is identified as a major factor explaining the fall of the franchise value. The paper also analyzes recent proposals for banking reform and assesses their relevance for dealing with the problems of wholesale banks.
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Capital of Capital
Capital of Capital
From Revolutionary Era bank notes to the 2008 financial collapse, Capital of Capital explores how New York City gave rise to a banking industry that in turn made the American and world economies. Capital of Capital also examines the frequently contentious evolution of the banking business, its role in making New York City an international economic center, and its influence on America's politics, society, and culture. Based on a major exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York, Capital of Capital features the key leaders of banking, including Alexander Hamilton and J. P. Morgan, as well as its critics, such as Louis Brandeis and the Occupy Wall Street protesters. The book also covers the major events and controversies that have shaped the history of banking and includes a fascinating array of primary materials ranging from antebellum bank notes and ledgers to early credit cards and advertisements. Lavishly illustrated, Capital of Capital provides a multifaceted, original understanding of the profound impact of banking on the life of New York City and the world's economy.
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