Double the Fist
Fistworthy(adj) - possessing the quality of fistworthiness. Confused? Maybe you're just too old and slow. Maybe you're not ready for this fast-paced, out-there, in-your-face tie-in with the most original, insane and inventive comedy adventure series on the ABC for a squillion years. 'Double the fist' features Steve Foxx and his 3 off-siders. They are lifestyle vigilantes who set out to destroy weakness and mediocrity in all aspects of modern existence and enforce the value of 'fist'. A combination of bizarre story lines, slapstick, special effects and a highly contemporary sense of sick humour makes this new comedy series a welcome addition to the gig guide. Double the fistis a truly fistworthy companion. Don't be a weak dog all your life. Buy this book.