Saite Through Ptolemaic Books of the Dead
This study is a collection of 18 essays on various topics, consisting of a study on diversity of funerary objects at Akhmim, a typology of canopic chests from Akhmim, the funerary effects of an important woman in Thebes, the coffins of the man whose Book of the Dead is well-known, a 26th dynasty coffin with BD 151, a study on Third Intermediate Period sequences in Third Intermediate Period Books of the Dead and their transition to the Saite Period, a study on secular and ritual titles in Third Intermediate Period Books of the Dead, the funerary equipment of Paiuhor, a study in the ritual priest associated with the cult of Hathor and their relation of BD 103, important new revelations concerning the Joseph Smith papyri, a study on an unusual sequence of spells in Saite and Ptolemaic documents, several Books of the Dead largely unknown to the Book of the Dead scholars, and a variety of shorter topics plus errata for for the previous volumes of the SPBDStudies SeriesThis series is primarily aimed at the Egyptological community, but the translations and illustrations may be of interest to the general reader with curiosity about the spells, what they represent, and what was of value to the ancient Egyptians.