British and African Literature in Transnational Context
African identities have been written and rewritten about in both British and African literature for decades. These revisions have opened up new formulations of what it really means to be British or African. By comparing texts by authors from African and British backgrounds across a wide variety of political orientations, the book analyzes the deeper relationships between colonizer and colonized. It brings issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality into the analysis, providing new ways for cultural scholars to think about how empire and colony have impacted one another from the late eighteenth century through the decades following World War II. In these comparisons, the book focuses on commonalities rather than differences. By examining the work of writers including Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, T. S. Eliot, Abdulrazak Gurnah, Zoe Wicomb, Yvette Christianse, and Chris van Wyk, the book demonstrates how Britain's former African colonies influence British culture just as much as African culture was influenced by British colonization. The book brings a uniquely informed perspective to the topic, having lived in South Africa, Tanzania, and Great Britain, and having taught African literature for over a decade. The book demonstrates expert knowledge of local cultural history from 1945 to the present, in both Africa and Britain.