Goethe-Bibliographie 1950 - 1990
Coinciding with the 250th anniversary of Goethe's birth, this bibliography provides a brand new record of international publications on his life and work over the last four decades. The bibliography covers 25,000 publications, including individual and complete editions of works by Goethe, translations into a total of 62 languages and the entire literature on Goethe's life and work. As well as book publications, collective volumes and Goethe periodicals, the bibliography covers editions in new media, dissertations and essays in anthologies, journals and annuals. Publications both in German and other languages from throughout the world are listed. The bibliography reflects the entire cosmos of Goethe's enormous life's work; as well as listing Goethe's poetic texts, it includes his writings on literature, art, science and his official duties. Literature on Goethe covers the whole spectrum of studies focusing on his life and work. Literature on the "Faust"-cycle alone amounts to over 3,000 publications. Clear arrangement of subject groups and two comprehensive indexes of names and subject headings or titles of works by Goethe help users quickly pinpoint individual items from the vast and diverse title material. Annotations on complete editions, Goethe periodicals and many individual publications supplement the work. This bibliography represents a profound, comprehensive and international reference work. It enables scholars, teachers of German, theatre producers, publishers, publicists, journalists and anyone else with an interest to access swiftly and precisely all aspects of Goethe's life and work. The" Goethe Bibliography" is indispensible for international studies of theGerman poet prince.