"This book, expounding an exciting new thesis for the history of philosophy, is an up-to-date compilation of Dr. Sheldon's philosophical thought. Although incorporating many aspects of his previous books, it sets forth a bold new philosophy of life, based on an entirely new concept - AGAPOLOGY. Loosely defined, Agapology is the union of love and reason. Reason, wedding to the former, sees that love, as taught by Christianity, is the very basis of reality. The author concludes, after a thorough examination and analysis of these terms, that our present civilization will feel the unity of love and reason as it advances in intelligence toward a peace on earth beyond that aforeto attained in any age. Thus, by studying the nature of love in a thoroughly rational way, he shows that love and reason are actually two phases in the same principle. This investigation of love's meaning also enhances our respect for reason in religion." --