The Short Side of Time
Reading Sheila's writing is like finding home: a home filled with warmth and laughter and sharp, bright, loving people (and dogs!). She takes the political, overwhelming, and out there, and brings it all down to earth. In a post from June 26, 2013, she writes, "Today is Edith Windsor day for me. I will forever remember the petite 84-year old lesbian from New York who changed the course of history."-Rachel Mankowitz, writer and blogger, The Cricket Pages (with Butterfly) Sheila Morris starts my day with her keen observations of the simple and beautiful things all around us. She grounds me before I'm turned loose in an increasingly frenetic world.-Linda Ketner, first openly gay candidate for federal office in South Carolina, community leader and philanthropist. These hand-picked treasures from the blogs of Sheila Morris showcase her humor and heart while immersing the reader in the day-to-day life and decades of experience offered by a lesbian now on the "short side of time." Morris loves her sports teams, the written word, and her friends. What means the most to her, though, is family, including her partner Teresa, her dogs, and her late grandmother. Morris' lively and thoughtful voice draws readers into the drama of her Texas upbringing, as well as how recent milestones for the LGBT community have contributed to her life.-Luanne Castle, author of Doll God