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Recollections of Medina Characters, Medina, Ohio, May 3, 1874-June 26, 1908
Recollections of Medina Characters, Medina, Ohio, May 3, 1874-June 26, 1908
The first part is about William W. Pancoast. He was the founder of the First National Bank in Medina, Ohio. He would abscond with the entrusted funds purportedly on an odyssey west to California for the sake of his health. He changed his name to Mr. Kent and later was charged of murdering his own wife and died in a lonely prison cell -- P.[i].
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The Psychospiritual Clinician's Handbook
The Psychospiritual Clinician's Handbook
Learn to treat a variety of diagnostic disorders through various psychospiritual treatment models! Increasing numbers of people are moving beyond psychological therapy to seek alternative spiritual perspectives to medical and mental health care such as yoga and meditation. The Psychospiritual Clinician’s Handbook: Alternative Methods for Understanding and Treating Mental Disorders provides the latest theoretical perspectives and practical applications by recognized experts in positive and integrative psychotherapy. Leading clinicians examine and re-examine their therapeutic worldviews and attitudes to focus on the right problems to solve—for the whole person. This essential Handbook is a window on the quiet revolution now sweeping the field of psychology, that of locating the whole human being in the center of the therapeutic process. The Psychospiritual Clinician’s Handbook: Alternative Methods for Understanding and Treating Mental Disorders helps you effectively treat the whole person by providing a practical introduction to some of the worldviews and most effective practices like yoga, meditation, and humanological therapy used by psychospiritually oriented therapists. Helpful illustrations of body positions used in yoga and meditation plus photographs, tables, figures, and detailed case studies illustrate the process. The Psychospiritual Clinician’s Handbook: Alternative Methods for Understanding and Treating Mental Disorders will show you: the importance of a therapist’s worldview for effective therapeutic outcome new perspectives on alternative treatments for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, OCD, PTSD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, and sexual dysfunction how yoga and mindfulness meditation can be used in psychotherapy the use and integration of meditation therapies in emergency situations the therapeutic integration of other alternative treatments, such as Kundalini yoga each contributor’s case studies as illustration of effective treatment The Psychospiritual Clinician’s Handbook: Alternative Methods for Understanding and Treating Mental Disorders is an invaluable resource for those interested in treating patients with a therapeutic process that is effective, adaptable, and wholly transformational.
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Around Cambridge Springs
Around Cambridge Springs
In 1903, Cambridge Springs was described in Cutter's Guide as "the Great Health and Pleasure Resort of Pennsylvania." Located in northwestern Pennsylvania on the banks of French Creek, it fell halfway between Chicago and New York City on the Erie Railroad. From the promotion of the mineral springs in 1884, this town of some six hundred people grew into a luxurious vacation spot that included accommodations such as the Riverside Hotel, the Rider Hotel, the New Cambridge Hotel (now the Bartlett), and more than forty other hotels and cottages. Around Cambridge Springs not only celebrates this town's golden age of resorts and affluence but also remembers the people, such as W.A. Baird Jr.; the places, such as Alliance College; and the events, such as the devastating fires of 1897 and 1931, that have shaped this community over the last two hundred years.
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The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Occupational Safety and Workplace Health
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Occupational Safety and Workplace Health
A Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Psychology focusing on occupational safety and workplace health. The editors draw on their collective experience to present thematically structured material from leading thinkers and practitioners in the USA, Europe, and Asia Pacific Provides comprehensive coverage of the major contributions that psychology can make toward the improvement of workplace safety and employee health Equips those who need it most with cutting-edge research on key topics including wellbeing, safety culture, safety leadership, stress, bullying, workplace health promotion and proactivity
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Healthy Children, Healthy Lives
Healthy Children, Healthy Lives
Healthy Children, Healthy Lives helps improve the wellness of children, families, and early childhood professionals in early childhood programs. This series of checklists covers six components of wellness—nutrition and healthy eating habits; physical activity and fitness; emotional health and resilience; healthy care practices; safety and risk management; and leadership, management, and administration. Each research-based checklist provides built-in guidance for improvement, complements any high-quality curriculum, and aims to contribute to children's ability to thrive and experience joy in life and learning.
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Victory Through the Blood of the Lamb
Victory Through the Blood of the Lamb
Victory over a believer's carnal nature by total surrender of the will and that restores a covenant relationship with God. The cross is the only way to victory.
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Work Design
Work Design
Work is all around us and permeates everything we do and everyday activities. Not all work is justified, not all work is properly designed, or evaluated accurately, or integrated. A systems model will make work more achievable through better management. Work is defined as a process of performing a defined task or activity, such as research, development, operations, maintenance, repair, assembly, production, and so on. Very little is written on how to design, evaluate, justify, and integrate work. Using a comprehensive systems approach, this book facilitates a better understanding of work for the purpose of making it more effective and rewarding.
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NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid Materials
NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid Materials
NMR OF QUADRUPOLAR NUCLEI IN SOLID MATERIALS Over the past 20 years technical developments in superconducting magnet technology and instrumentation have increased the potential of NMR spectroscopy so that it is now possible to study a wide range of solid materials. In addition, one can probe the nuclear environments of many other additional atoms that possess the property of spin. In particular, it is possible to carry out NMR experiments on isotopes that have nuclear spin greater that 1⁄2 (i.e. quadrupolar nuclei). Since more that two-thirds of all NMR active isotopes are quadrupolar nuclei, applications of NMR spectroscopy with quadrupolar nuclei are increasing rapidly. The purpose of this handbook is to provide under a single cover the fundamental principles, techniques and applications of quadrupolar NMR as it pertains to solid materials. Each chapter has been prepared by an expert who has made significant contributions to out understanding and appreciation of the importance of NMR studies of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The text is divided into three sections: The first provides the reader with the background necessary to appreciate the challenges in acquiring and interpreting NMR spectra of quadrupolar neclei in solids. The second presents cutting-edge techniques and methodology for employing these techniques to investigate quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The final section explores applications of solid-state NMR studies of solids ranging from investigations of dynamics, characterizations of biological samples, organic and inorganic materials, porous materials, glasses, catalysts, semiconductors and high-temperature superconductors. About EMR Handbooks The Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance (EMR) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence-of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of EMR Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of Encyclopedia articles. In consultation with the EMR Editorial Board, the EMR Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles, are written (together with updates of some already existing articles) to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance at your fingertips! Visit:
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This groundbreaking new study takes a novel approach to reduplication, a phenomenon whereby languages use repetition to create new words. Sharon Inkelas and Cheryl Zoll argue that the driving force in reduplication is identity at the morphosyntactic, not the phonological level, and present a new model of reduplication - Morphological Doubling Theory - that derives the full range of reduplication patterns. This approach shifts the focus away from the relatively small number of cases of phonological overapplication and underapplication, which have played a major role in earlier studies, to the larger class of cases where base and reduplicant diverge phonologically. The authors conclude by arguing for a theoretical shift in phonology, which entails more attention to word structure. As well as presenting the authors' pioneering work, this book also provides a much-needed overview of reduplication, the study of which has become one of the most contentious in modern phonological theory.
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Ancient Complex Societies
Ancient Complex Societies
Ancient Complex Societies examines the archaeological evidence for the rise and functioning of politically and socially “complex” cultures in antiquity. Particular focus is given to civilizations exhibiting positions of leadership, social and administrative hierarchies, emerging and already developed complex religious systems, and economic differentiation. Case studies are drawn from around the globe, including Asia, the Mediterranean region, and the American continents. Using case studies from Africa, Polynesia, and North America, discussion is dedicated to identifying what “complex” means and when it should be applied to ancient systems. Each chapter attempts to not only explore the sociopolitical and economic elements of ancient civilizations, but to also present an overview of what life was like for the later population within each system, sometimes drilling down to individual people living their daily lives. Throughout the chapters, the authors address problems with the idea of complexity, the incomparability of cultures, and the inconsistency of archaeological and historical evidence in reconstructing ancient cultures.
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