Mobile Robotics Activities in DOE Laboratories
This paper will briefly outline major activities in Department of Energy (DOE) Laboratories focused on mobileplatforms, both Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV's) as well as Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV's). The activities willbe discussed in the context of the science and technology construct used by the DOE Technology Roadmap for Roboticsand Intelligent Machines (RIM)1 published in 1998; namely, Perception, Reasoning, Action, and Integration. Theactivities to be discussed span from research and development to deployment in field operations. The activities supportcustomers in other agencies. The discussion of "perception" will include hyperspectral sensors, complex patternsdiscrimination, multisensor fusion and advances in LADAR technologies, including real-world perception. "Reasoning"activities to be covered include cooperative controls, distributed systems, ad-hoc networks, platform-centric intelligence, and adaptable communications. The paper will discuss "action" activities such as advanced mobility and various air andground platforms. In the RIM construct, "integration" includes the Human-Machine Integration. Accordingly the paperwill discuss adjustable autonomy and the collaboration of operator(s) with distributed UGV's and UAV's. Integrationalso refers to the applications of these technologies into systems to perform operations such as perimeter surveillance, large-area monitoring and reconnaissance. Unique facilities and test beds for advanced mobile systems will bedescribed. Given that this paper is an overview, rather than delve into specific detail in these activities, other moreexhaustive references and sources will be cited extensively.