Lifelong Learning in Developing Knowledge Workers (UUM Press)
This monograph discusses the importance of lifelong learning in developing knowledge workers and human capital. Facets of lifelong learning, knowledge workers and human capital are highlighted to provide basic understanding to all readers. The facets of lifelong learning include accessibility to learning, investment for learning, methods and contents of learning, values of learning, direction and guidance in learning and learning opportunities closer to home. Meanwhile, the facets of knowledge worker are problem solving, using intellectual skills, requiring a high level of autonomy, emphasizing on quality of judgment, using unique processes, possessing un-codified knowledge, sourcing between his ears and using knowledge and information to add to deeper knowledge and information. There are several individuals whom we would like to thank for their contributions to this monograph. This monograph has benefited greatly from the inputs, comments and expertise as well as working experience of all contributors. We also would like to thank the School of Business Management, the College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, the Research Innovation and Management Center (RIMC) of Universiti Utara Malaysia and the top leaders of the University for their encouragement and support. Those who have contributed directly or indirectly toward the publication of this monograph also deserve our appreciation.