Family Life
On 17th March, 1977 in Tasmania, Lance and Lynn Scott were the proud parents of their baby daughter, Renae Joy Scott. Renae was born with a congenital disease known as Myotonic Dystrophy, which is a muscle wasting disease. Renae had a sister Danielle, born in 1981. Her Dad and step-mother gave her a brother, James, born in 1997. In 2007, Danielle married Jonathon and they gave Renae 2 gorgeous nephews, Joel and Ryan. When she was 3, Renae had speech therapy because the muscles in her face were affected and so she had trouble with her speech. She also had physio- therapy to help with other muscles in her body. There is no cure for this disease, 1 in 80,000 people are affected. She had a normal childhood, although she needed to attend a special school. 10 years ago, Renae had many falls which caused a spiral breakage each time on the same leg. Her muscles were wasting on her leg, consequently she couldn't walk. She had an electric wheel chair and she was lifted with a machine from the chair onto her bed at night. Because of her demand for high care she lived in a Group Home with 3 other people with various needs. They had 2 support workers each day of the week. Renae wrote this story because she loved babies and couldn't have one of her own. Some of the people in the Family Life' are names of support workers at the Group Home. Renae went to be with the Lord on 29th March 2011. She is sadly missed.