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Sealy & Worthington's Cases and Materials in Company Law
Sealy & Worthington's Cases and Materials in Company Law
Sealy & Worthington's Cases & Materials is well-established as one of the foremost casebooks on company law . The authors' expertise in the subject area ensures that vital case extracts are supplemented by sophisticated commentary and well-chosen notes and questions, taking into account the most recent developments in this crucial area
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This second edition of Sarah Worthington's Equity maintains the clear ambitions of the first. It sets out the basic principles of equity, and illustrates them by reference to commercial and domestic examples of their operation. The book comprehensively and succinctly describes the role of equity in creating and developing rights and obligations, remedies and procedures that differ in important ways from those provided by the common law itself. Worthington delivers a complete reworking of the material traditionally described as equity. In doing this, she provides a thorough examination of the fundamental principles underpinning equity's most significant incursions into the modern law of property, contract, tort, and unjust enrichment. In addition, she exposes the possibilities, and the need, for coherent substantive integration of common law and equity. Such integration she perceives as crucial to the continuing success of the modern common law legal system. This book provides an accessible and elementary exploration of equity's place in our modern legal system, whilst also tackling the most taxing and controversial questions which our dual system of law and equity raises.
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Tort Law: Cases and Materials
Tort Law: Cases and Materials
Tort Law: Cases and Materials offers a fresh approach to the study of tort law. It is the essential companion to Green and Gardner's Tort Law textbook. Comprehensively covering the tort law curriculum, the inclusion of extracts from key cases, statutes, newspaper reports and articles demonstrates the law in action. The clear and insightful commentary accompanying each extract explains the significance of each and provides students with an enhanced understanding of the material, ensuring they can respond with depth and analysis in their essay questions. In addition to the standard and oft-cited materials, the expert authors have selected alternative voices, including feminist approaches, socio-legal perspectives and comparative material from multiple international jurisdictions. This provides students with a thorough and wide-ranging examination of tort law. Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this book and are available at no extra cost.
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Proprietary Interests in Commercial Transactions
Proprietary Interests in Commercial Transactions
Worthington provides a broad overview of personal property law in a commercial context, examining the various devices used by contracting parties and attempting to distil a theoretically rigorous framework to describe the relevant laws.
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Todd & Wilson's Textbook on Trusts & Equity
Todd & Wilson's Textbook on Trusts & Equity
Written in an enthusiastic and student-friendly style, Todd & Wilson's Textbook on Trusts & Equity explains the basic principles and rules of trusts law in a clear and unintimidating way. The book delivers focused, intellectually stimulating content, and gives in-depth coverage of the key areas taught on the undergraduate course.
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Personal Property Law
Personal Property Law
This casebook covers the philosophy and concepts of personal property law and the impact of evolving business practices on the development of the law.
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The Smart
The Smart
The Smart is a true drama of eighteenth-century life with a mercurial, mysterious heroine. Caroline is a young Irishwoman who runs off to marry a soldier, comes to London and slides into a glamorous life as a high-class prostitute, a great risk-taker, possessing a mesmerising appeal. In the early 1770s, she becomes involved with the intriguing Perreau twins, identical in looks but opposite in character, one a sober merchant, the other a raffish gambler. They begin forging bonds, living in increasing luxury until everything collapses like a house of cards - and forgery is a capital offence. A brilliantly researched and marvellously evocative history, The Smart is full of the life of London streets and shots through with enduring themes - sex, money, death and fame. It bridges the gap between aristocracy and underworld as eighteenth-century society is drawn into the most scandalous financial sting of the age.
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Case Studies in Sport Law
Case Studies in Sport Law
Case Studies in Sport Law, Second Edition, provides students with specific examples and perspectives of some of the most significant cases in sport law in an accessible tone that is free of legal jargon. The text is an ideal companion for non-law students who are seeking clarity and context for legal issues commonly encountered in sport management and sport law settings. The 87 cases provide real-life applications for students and scholars of sport management. This updated second edition of Case Studies in Sport Law contains one new case study to provide a more contemporary example while maintaining the most significant precedent cases. The text is easily incorporated as a supplement to course studies, especially for its recommended companion text, Introduction to Sport Law, Second Edition. These two texts were designed with the other in mind, and the structures match each other in order of topics presented so that students can easily cross-reference the two to obtain the best understanding of sport law. The 87 cases in Case Studies in Sport Law have been carefully curated by a team of experts in the field and represent many of the multifaceted aspects of sport law. Some of the areas covered in the text are school districts, colleges and universities, interscholastic and recreational programs, professional sport franchises, sporting goods manufacturers and trademarks, and governing bodies. This broad approach encourages students to understand the impact of legal issues on the sport industry, including many of the areas that students are hoping to pursue as a career. Case Studies in Sport Law offers condensed versions of each case as opposed to the full legal proceedings, which enables students to grasp key concepts of the case instead of wading through legal jargon. The cases are divided into the main topics that are most prevalent in sport law courses: agency law, antitrust law, constitutional law, contract law, employment law, intellectual property, labor law, products liability, risk management, statutory law, Title IX, tort law, and the U.S. legal system. This is an easy-to-follow format that allows instructors and readers easy selection of cases based on the topic at hand. In addition to the abridged court cases, each section provides introductory information to prepare students on the type of law that will be examined and key concepts to bear in mind while reading. Further, each case study ends with review questions that can test student comprehension, be used for review, and prompt in-class discussions. Answers to these review questions are in the instructor guide, which is free to course adopters and available at Litigation and lawsuits in sport are increasing; therefore, managers and operators must maintain a thorough understanding of legal practices. Case Studies in Sport Law is the ideal text to supplement a sport management or sport law class and bolster student comprehension of sport law issues, and it is a supreme reference in the professional library of all practitioners in college, high school, professional, and recreational sport settings.
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Case Studies in Sport Law-2nd Edition
Case Studies in Sport Law-2nd Edition
Case Studies in Sport Law, Second Edition, provides students and legal professionals with specific examples and perspectives of some of the most significant cases in sport law in an accessible tone that is free of legal jargon.
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Approaching Democracy
Approaching Democracy
Democracy cannot be taken for granted, whether at home or internationally, and eternal vigilance (along with civic intelligence) is required to protect it. Approaching Democracy provides students with a framework to analyze the structure, process, and action of US government, institutions, and social movements. It also invites comparison with other countries. This globalizing perspective gives students an understanding of issues of governance and challenges to democracy here and elsewhere. At a moment of political hyper-partisanship, economic tensions, media misinformation, hyper-partisanship, and anxieties about the future of civil rights, this is the ideal time to introduce Approaching Democracy--a textbook based on Vaclav Havel’s powerful metaphor of democracy as an ideal and the American experiment as the closest approach to it--to a new generation of political science undergraduate students. NEW TO THE TENTH EDITION Updated to reflect the results of the 2022 midterm elections and explore the implications of Congressional redistricting, voting suppression, and voting rights legislation Covers the first two years of the Biden administration and provides a thorough retrospective on the Trump presidency—including updates on the January 6 Commission findings and the Justice department’s investigation into Trump’s alleged misappropriation of classified government documents Presents the developments on the Supreme Court including the appointment of its two newest justices and major recent decisions including controversial rulings on reproductive health, the separation of church and state, and the environment Explores the revival of NATO and other international alliances in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine New and updated material has also been provided regarding gun control, healthcare, labor rights, immigration, economic policy, COVID-19’s lingering impacts, and the ongoing struggle for social and racial justice in America
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