No mountain is this high is it?
No mountain is this high is it was born out of my need, and want, to share my own personal experiences of a time when anxiety took a hold of my life. This book is a journey of a short period of time in my life, only a fi ve month period, when I could not explain what was happening with my mind and body, the highs and lows one experiences and the re-building, as I tried to get things back on track to a normality I had once known. Imagine if the things you took for granted, like driving, sitting in a meeting, standing talking to people or sitting in a restaurant were taken away from you. The things that you would do on a constant and regular basis were taken away from you, and instead were replaced by feelings of fear, anxiety and physical illness. For the past fi ve months, this is the journey I took trying to pin-point the exact cause, of these feelings, at each point scanning my brain to fi nd the reasons why, wanting just the feeling of inner strength I had only recently had. Had I always been like this or had this only surfaced in the past months? Will I ever re-gain my inner strength? Will I ever feel better again? These were the questions I constantly asked myself as I tried to fi nd the answers I so desperately wanted.