Xavier Nogués
In 1990, or thereabouts, the then promoters and members of the board of trustees of the Fundació Xavier Nogués, Joan Ainaud de Lasarte, Raimon Noguera de Guzmán, Josep Pedreira and Ramon Gonzalez (now sadly de- ceased), together with the patrons August Testor, Oriol Bohigas and Jordi Curós, proposed, as a founding act, the publication of a book dedicated to the life and work of Xavier Nogués. The project was given the go ahead, and the then presi- dent, Mr Ainaud, wrote the foreword to the book. However, it was subsequently put on hold until a later date, despite everyone’s best efforts. Now we are fortunate enough to be able to revive the project and, by way of a tribute, we would like to put on record the interest the above individuals showed in the publication of the book you are now holding. We would also like to thank Joaquim Horta for the painstaking care taken with the initial project and the new patrons who have worked on the current one.