Principles and Practice Of American Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 3rd Edition
Without ever losing sight of the classics, Kernell and Smith take a fresh look at the implications of political science for our understanding of recent events and trends. This balance of the classic with the contemporary-along with careful editing to retain the flow of original pieces-distinguishes this highly regarded reader. Drawing from a variety of sources and perspectives, readings examine the strategic behavior of key players in American politics. These 44 selections show that political actors, though motivated by their own interests, are governed by the Constitution, the law, and institutional rules, as well as influenced by the strategies of others. Thanks to feedback from adopters, 26 readings are back by popular demand, while 17 new or revised selections offer readable and current analyses, 5 of which have been written specifically for this volume. Kernell and Smith supply helpful headnotes for each reading, establishing important context and rationale for selections