Phosphate Glasses
More recently, phosphate glasses have received considerable global attention mainly due to the fact, that they are environmentally eco-friendly, low in cost and with ease of preparation. However, there are obstacles in the development of these compounds in terms of tailoring specific properties to suit a particular application. Phosphate Glasses: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Applications provides a detailed, and in-depth review of the fundamentals, properties, and applications of this important class of materials. Different methods for the synthesis of these materials are discussed in detail as well as their structural, and physico-chemical properties. In addition, the most common characterization techniques currently used for analyzing phosphate glasses are also discussed as well as their latest industrial and technological applications. The book will be a valuable reference resource for academic and industrial researchers, as well as materials scientists and engineers, and all those working in the research and development of phosphate-based materials. - Provides an in-depth reference guide on the science, technology, and engineering of phosphate glasses - All sub-families of phosphate glasses are discussed - Covers a broad range of applications and addresses problems in both industrial and technological spheres - Analytical techniques to study phosphate glass-forming compounds are also presented - Covers preparation procedures, characterization methodologies and performance characteristics