Education and Me
Education and me is a book which is written to bring about various facets of teaching and learning in the field of education . Primarily book has showcased what education mean to me as critical thinking, writing, and a future career. The importance of education to students , teachers , and society as whole is highlighted . It also raises a question as whether education occur in educational institutions only. The book also brings out that education in this sense would certainly include all efforts for inculcation of values, attitudes and skills that the society desires to be imparted to children. In contrast to this broader notion, education occurring in institutions like schools and colleges is an act of consciously imparting values, knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements in a formal situation The book also deal with present education system , challenges faced by education system , the condition of government schools , future of education and remedial measures to improve this educational system. This book also compares educational system of India, China , UK and USA. The need of innovative education, use of social media and how learners can prepare themselves for future competition. The role of parents , teachers and society in bringing out child to face the world is also discussed in detailed. The need of teacher training and preparation of teachers for teaching job is also showcased here. The book also brings out need for moral education , Guidance and counseling in schools , Parents are looking for alternate schooling which is also a new issue has been highlighted. So the book is complete knowledge of education , It will be really beneficial to teachers, students , parents and Principal’s of the educational institutions.