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Quintessential Revelation
Quintessential Revelation
Two things are quintessential to the book of Revelation. The heart of Jesus and the heart of unconverted natural man. These are contrary to each other, yet need not be difficult to understand or identify. Jesus referred to himself as both the Son of God and the Son of Man because he had come in flesh to redeem us from the curse. Later, John stated that every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ is come in flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, of which ye have heard that it should come, and that now it is already in the world (1 John 4:3). In Revelation, Jesus, through John, takes this into much greater detail so that we can grasp the principle of what antichrist means, and how it could already be in the world in John’s day. Of course, any discussion of the antichrist also necessitates discussion of the beast and the mark of the beast. This is because the antichrist and the beast are inseparable. In God’s eyes, unconverted natural man is a beast, and the mark of the beast is the nature of the beast, which is also the nature of antichrist. If we can understand this fundamental precept, our ability to understand the Book of Revelation becomes greatly expanded. The only other requirement is that we have a clean heart before God. Sadly, many commentaries on Revelation ignore the need to have a clean heart in order to survive what’s coming. In Quintessential Revelation: Understanding the Heart of Jesus in the Imminent Day of the Lord, author Russell M. Stendal shows us how the unconverted natural man, a.k.a., the flesh, that man of sin, the beast, or antichrist, as well as the devil, all share the same essence and fate. On the other hand, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, along with those who are written into the Book of Life, also share in eternal essence and an eternal fate. Digging deep into the signs, the wonders, and the prophets, the author helps us discover the genuine Christian’s role in the soon-to-be-fulfilled book of Revelation.
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A History of Architecture
A History of Architecture
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The Tabernacle of David
The Tabernacle of David
What, exactly, does the tabernacle of David represent? In the new covenant there is only one mediator between God and man: this is the Lord Jesus Christ the living Word of God, and he is presently seated upon a heavenly throne, high above all things (Psalm 138:2). The ark of the covenant is a representation of Jesus Christ and of how our reconciliation with God the Father is made possible. The tabernacle of David depicts the heavenly realm touching the earth and is a living, prophetic parable of how we may come into a direct and personal relationship with God. Through Jesus Christ and without intermediary clergy or religious, legalistic ritual, we may become registered as citizens of heaven (Hebrews 12:18-24). The once-and-for-all blood sacrifice at Calvary was required in order to put the new covenant into effect. However, the fullness of what is represented by the tabernacle of David (with the ark as its sole piece of furniture) will be restored at the second coming. In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen and close up its breeches; and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old… (Amos 9:11–12, Acts 15:16) When God decided to cut off the corrupt house of Eli he said: And I will raise me up a faithful priest that shall do according to that which is in my heart and in my mind, and I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before my anointed [Heb. Messiah] for ever (1 Samuel 2:35). The faithful priest for whom God would build a sure house could not have been Samuel. The fact that he shall walk before God’s anointed (Messiah) forever, means that this does not refer directly to Jesus Christ. The only “sure house” that can be seen that fits this bill is the house of David (1 Samuel 17), which continued in God’s favor until the birth of Jesus Christ. And in Christ, the royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) of the order of Melchisedec (Psalm 110:4) continues forever — this even includes us if we are in Christ (Revelation 1:6). And in mercy shall the throne be established and he shall sit on it in the tabernacle of David, judging and seeking judgment and hastening righteousness. (Isaiah 16:5) What is the prophetic numerology found in the Psalms? Anyone who knows the author or has read one of his previous books knows that, in addition to emphasizing a personal relationship with God the Father, he is focused on the Day of the Lord with a deep concern that Christians regard End Times prophecy with utmost concern and soberness. It is within this context that he directs the reader's attention to the prophetic numbers within the Psalms that, once decoded according to their trajectory through the Scriptures, unlock the stunning messianic narrative that will soon take place here on the earth. Amidst ever-increasing feelings of social isolation and the realities of political division and unrest, as well as the impending and potentially disastrous outcomes of man-made crises facing the earth, people are looking for answers to their fears and inner longing to feel secure, connected, and satisfied in their daily lives. While many attempt to control things politically, others are looking for answers through esoteric means such as prophecies, numerology, tarot cards, and even witchcraft. Although David obviously didn’t face the difficulties unique to our time, he definitely felt socially isolated, dwelled in political unrest, and faced many possibilities for disaster. His answer was to ask God to protect him and direct his every footstep, which ultimately met his every need and eventually led him to dwell in peace and security, to a ripe old age.
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God's Plan for Spiritual Battle
God's Plan for Spiritual Battle
I love a good fight. When unjustly attacked, I have learned to seek the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit and retaliate by Overcoming Evil with Good. There is a huge difference between a Peacemaker and a Pacifist! This Battle Plan for spiritual warfare, gleaned from the life and message of Jesus — especially the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes — was on my heart even before I was kidnapped by terrorists and held hostage under extreme conditions in 1983. Since then, thousands of missionaries, pastors, and other Christians have been kidnapped, murdered, or forced to free from their places of ministry in rural Colombia. Had these Christians known and understood this battle plan for spiritual warfare, they could have been victorious instead of prematurely suffering defeat. Many who did choose to remain in the path of ever present danger have rallied around this message. A thriving underground church is multiplying in a huge area (about the size of North Korea) in the south and east of Columbia where Bibles, church buildings, formal ministry, and even house meetings have been prohibited for more than 25 years. Severe persecution in rural Colombia has actually served to bring real Christians together in deepening Christian relationships, identify the true church, and cleanse believers from corruption. This has been possible because of the remnant that has been chosen to fight the good fight of faith.
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Buch- un Kunst-Katalog
Buch- un Kunst-Katalog
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Buch- und kunst-katalog
Buch- und kunst-katalog
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Heinrich Himmler's Camelot
Heinrich Himmler's Camelot
This sensational book is the only English-language publication documenting the history of the Wewelsburg Castle, the "SS-School House Wewelsburg," chosen to be the training center for spiritual enlightenment of the Fuehrer's elite Imperial Guard, the SS. Heinrich Himmler, appointed by Adolf Hitler as Reichsfuehrer-SS, became responsible for researching and documenting centuries of Germanic culture, as well as defining the ideology of the Black Corps. Over 200 b/w photographs, numerous illustrations and documents, an exclusive 16-p color section with 31 photographs, and a fold-out with a unique design of the "Twelve Knights of the Round Table." A complete story of the castle's history, architecture, renovation and decor, administration, wartime fate, secrets, and extraordinary esoteric fascination; with Index, Glossary, Reference Notes, and Appendices. Read the facts about what really occurred at the Wewelsburg based on a combined 40 years of research by leading expert Stuart Russell and historian Stephen Cook. Learn of Germany's cultural reawakening, Weltanschauung, the role of the Christian Church, academic studies, scientific evidence, and the personalities involved. The topic has been explored on PBS and the book was featured on The History Channel. To order, or contact us, see Kressmann-Backmeyer Publishing, LLC, P.O. Box 1441, Andrews, NC 28901.
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Buch- und kunst-katalog
Buch- und kunst-katalog
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