Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Volume 7
The Royal Historical Society Transactions offers readers an annual collection of major articles representing some of the best historical research by some of the world's most distinguished historians. Also available as a journal, volume seven of the sixth series will include: 'The Peoples of Britain and Ireland, 1100-1400: IV Language and Historical Mythology', Rees Davies; 'The Limits of Totalitarianism: God, State and Society in the GDR', Mary Fulbrook; 'History as Destiny: Gobineau, H. S. Chamberlain and Spengler', Michael Biddiss; 'Constructing the Past in the Early Middle Ages: The Case of the Royal Frankish Annals', Rosamond McKitterick; 'England, Britain and the Audit of War', Kenneth Morgan; 'The Cromwellian Decade: Authority and Consent', C. S. L. Davies; 'Place and Public Finance', R. W. Hoyle; 'The Parliament of England', Pauline Croft; 'Thomas Cromwell's Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty', Conrad Russell; 'Religion', Christopher Haigh; 'Sir Geoffrey Elton and the Practice of History', Quentin Skinner.