Master the GED 2011 (w/CD)
The new GED test series begins on January 1, 2012, and Peterson's is ready to help GED test takers score high. Master the GED 2011 with CD is a comprehensive guide that offers the essential test-prep and review material for the high school equivalency diploma test. The exercises and sample questions provide hands-on practice for every type of question. Complete with in-depth review for each subject area: Language Arts, Reading; Language Arts, Writing; Mathematics; Science; and Social Studies, with details on the new test's emphasis on informational texts, higher-order thinking skills, and more constructed response questions. Selling Points: Three full-length practice exams in book and access to 2 full-length practice exams on CD-a total of 5 practice exams, with detailed answer explanations In-depth review for all five subject areas on the GED, including important changes for the new exam beginning Jan. 1, 2012 Exercises and drills for every type of question in each GED subject area, with hundreds of practice questions and detailed answer explanations to reinforce key concepts Expert test-taking strategies Instruction tips for teachers