In this soul-searching memoir, Possibilities: A Search for Personal Liberation, Dr. Ronald J. Sheehy, highly respected scientist, teacher and educator, unlocks the door to personal liberation. The key, he observes, is to think critically - to examine, to explore, to question, and to have the courage of your convictions. The memoir is an examination of these principles in his life - the contributions of his parents, his alma mater, Morehouse College, and significant mentors. The civil rights movement provides a backdrop to his firsthand account of the importance of this transition for his generation. His commentary on the leadership and philosophy of Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, President of Morehouse College, provides insight into the philosophical underpinnings that inspired and motivated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Morehouse alumnus. His journey from a curious kid, interested in scientific things, to a respected molecular biologist, is an inspiring story of determination and triumph against obstacles and challenges. He discovers the path to transforming the mind - to probe, to inquire - is a spiritual quest to fulfill Gods plan to discover the mysteries of nature and the universe.