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A Contemporary Look at Business Ethics
A Contemporary Look at Business Ethics
A Contemporary Look at Business Ethics provides a ‘present day’ look at business ethics to include the challenges, opportunities and increased need for ethical leadership in today’s and tomorrow’s organizations. The book discusses current and future business ethics challenges, issues and opportunities which provides the context leaders and their organizations must navigate. The book includes an in?depth look at lessons learned about the causes of unethical behavior by examining a number of real?world examples of ethical scandals from around the world that have taken place over the past few decades. The analysis of the various ethical scandals focuses on concepts like ethical versus unethical leadership, received wisdom, the bottom?line mentality, groupthink and moral muteness, all of which contribute to the kind of organizational culture and ethical behavior one finds in an organization. The book discusses ethical decision making in general and the increased role of religion and spirituality, in confronting unethical behavior in contemporary organizations. The book also takes an in?depth look at the impact ethical scandals have on employees and more specifically the psychological contract and person?organization ethical fit with the goal of identifying, along with other things, what leaders can do to restore relationships with employees and rebuild the organization’s reputation in the eyes of various stakeholders.
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Italian Weights and Measures from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century
Italian Weights and Measures from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century
Unlike most metrological systems throughout W. Europe, the Italian developed during the Middle Ages (MA) & Early Modern era without any ref. to a commonly accepted set of nat.-ethnic standards. Italy, with its many kingdoms, duchies, communes, etc., was never able to attain any level of metrological standardization outside the confines of severely restricted, small, independent, political jurisdictions. Not until unification in 1871, were Italian weights & measures (W&M) given a totally nat. character. And it was the metric system, & not a conglomerate of units from the old, that finally accomplished the task. This book presents a quantitative compilation, synthesis, & analysis of the principal pre-metric W&M employed throughout Italy & in those areas controlled or influenced by Italy from the Later MA to the age of metrication in the later 19th cent. Tables.
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Duruflé's Music Considered
Duruflé's Music Considered
In this book, Ronald Ebrecht has meticulously studied each of Duruflé’s works and put together the first book to discuss in detail all of Duruflé’s music. With encouragement from Duruflé’s editor and the foundation established in his name, Ebrecht has compiled copious examples from manuscript sources to be published for the first time along with the little-known contextualizing works of Messiaen and Barraine. Most widely known for his masterpiece Requiem, the composer’s orchestral gems are analyzed alongside his delightful miniature: the orchestration of the Sicilienne. The organ works which set the standard for virtuosity at conservatories around the world are given new insightful and thorough evaluation by Ebrecht, whose long association with late 19th and early 20th century France and French music affords illuminating connections between Duruflé and his predecessors and successors with sweeping insight and minute detail.
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Wine Science
Wine Science
Wine Science: Principles and Applications, Fifth Edition, delivers in-depth information and expertise in a single, science-focused volume, including all the complexities and nuances of creating a quality wine product. From variety, to the chemistry that transforms grape to fruit to wine, the book presents sections on the most important information regarding wine laws, authentication, the latest technology used in wine production, and expert-insights into the sensory appreciation of wine and its implications in health. This book is ideal for anyone seeking to understand the science that produces quality wines of every type. - Presents thorough explanations of viticulture and winemaking principles from grape to taste bud - Addresses historical developments in wine production, notably sparkling wines - Provides techniques in grapevine breeding, notably CRISPR - Compares production methods in a framework that provides insights into the advantages and disadvantages of each
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Psychology Around Us
Psychology Around Us
Psychology Around Us, Fourth Canadian Edition offers students a wealth of tools and content in a structured learning environment that is designed to draw students in and hold their interest in the subject. Psychology Around Us is available with WileyPLUS, giving instructors the freedom and flexibility to tailor curated content and easily customize their course with their own material. It provides today's digital students with a wide array of media content — videos, interactive graphics, animations, adaptive practice — integrated at the learning objective level to provide students with a clear and engaging path through the material. Psychology Around Us is filled with interesting research and abundant opportunities to apply concepts in a real-life context. Students will become energized by the material as they realize that Psychology is "all around us."
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Across America, crime is a consistent public concern. The authors have produced a comprehensive work on major criminological theories, combining classical criminology with new topics, such as Internet crime and terrorism. The text also focuses on how criminology shapes public policy.
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The Fulfilling Workplace
The Fulfilling Workplace
It is very easy for organizations to ignore or overlook the impact of social and commercial change-of increased pressure to deliver profit (above all else) and of transformation in the ways in which we are now working-on the mental health and, consequently, the performance of their employees. And yet there is plenty of evidence that in many workplaces, performance is down, stress is up and professional employees are struggling to balance their home and work lives. This collection, while looking at individuals, places the spotlight on organizational initiatives to support the development of attitudes, values, character and behaviors in employees. The aim of these initiatives is to increase our resilience to those experiences and events which impact on performance. There is a particular focus on managerial and professional jobs where employee discretion and commitment are critical. The Fulfilling Workplace extends the themes developed in early titles in the Psychological and Behavioral Aspects of Risk Series deeper into organizations; to explore the organization's role in coming to grips both with human frailties and toxic workplaces-both destructive to individual and organizational health.
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Effective Leadership
Effective Leadership
This innovative book integrates traditional and new leadership theories—including transformational leadership, leader-member exchange, authentic leadership, servant leadership, self-leadership, shared and distributed leadership, identity theory, and the value of emotions and affect—to provide a comprehensive look at the many facets of effective leadership. Practical and fun to read, the book incorporates personal reflections and current business examples to bring the theories of organizational leadership to life. In addition, engaging and relevant "Put it in Practice" features help students see how they can apply the leadership research to their own work lives, while leadership cases throughout demonstrate how real leaders have succeeded by applying the leadership principles discussed in the book. Written in a conversational style, the book is concise enough to be used in a case- or course pack-oriented course or in a modular program.
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Flourishing in Life, Work and Careers
Flourishing in Life, Work and Careers
Happiness in one aspect of our life can positively impact our satisfaction within other domains of our life. The opposite also rings true. Today's generation of working people have often been called the generation who want it all. But can we really
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Biogeochemistry of Wetlands
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands
The globally important nature of wetland ecosystems has led to their increased protection and restoration as well as their use in engineered systems. Underpinning the beneficial functions of wetlands are a unique suite of physical, chemical, and biological processes that regulate elemental cycling in soils and the water column. This book provides an in-depth coverage of these wetland biogeochemical processes related to the cycling of macroelements including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, secondary and trace elements, and toxic organic compounds. In this synthesis, the authors combine more than 100 years of experience studying wetlands and biogeochemistry to look inside the black box of elemental transformations in wetland ecosystems. This new edition is updated throughout to include more topics and provide an integrated view of the coupled nature of biogeochemical cycles in wetland systems. The influence of the elemental cycles is discussed at a range of scales in the context of environmental change including climate, sea level rise, and water quality. Frequent examples of key methods and major case studies are also included to help the reader extend the basic theories for application in their own system. Some of the major topics discussed are: Flooded soil and sediment characteristics Aerobic-anaerobic interfaces Redox chemistry in flooded soil and sediment systems Anaerobic microbial metabolism Plant adaptations to reducing conditions Regulators of organic matter decomposition and accretion Major nutrient sources and sinks Greenhouse gas production and emission Elemental flux processes Remediation of contaminated soils and sediments Coupled C-N-P-S processes Consequences of environmental change in wetlands# The book provides the foundation for a basic understanding of key biogeochemical processes and its applications to solve real world problems. It is detailed, but also assists the reader with box inserts, artfully designed diagrams, and summary tables all supported by numerous current references. This book is an excellent resource for senior undergraduates and graduate students studying ecosystem biogeochemistry with a focus in wetlands and aquatic systems.
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