The Road to Ruin
It takes three titles for this factualized novel to explain to the American people the why and the wherefore, it is important to defeat this international road, twelve hundred feet wide, running from Mexican ports, through Texas, to Kansas City and Canada. Samuel Huston Warner, a Texas rancher from Frio County, Texas, does so explain. He is riled that Texas intends to take five hundred of his acres, by eminent domain for this road to ruin. He further finds, it is already pre-leased, by the Texas governor, and Texas legislators, to a Spanish corporation, secretly tying the action to an already agreed to, Mexican-American union. Sam forms the Longhorn Brigade to fight these anti-American concepts. His battle against overwhelming odds is the basis for this novel. This trans-national road, using only bureaucratic regulations, and Executive directives disguises true motives from the American people and the American Congress. Using secret, working groups, embedded in the Commerce Department and hidden trilateral agreements, cheap Chinese imports will be transported, unchallenged, into America. This American, European-like Union, will mean the eventual end to our Constitution, and to Americans being self governed. The defeat of this new Burma Road is crucial. Americans must be informed and become aware. That is the "Why?" of this novel. You have a duty to read, to know, and to act.