A Link in the Chain
"a Link in the Chain" is a 2014 Scars Publications cc&d magazine poetry and short story book by assorted writers and artists. cc&d ("Children, Churches and Daddies", subtitle "the UN-religios, NON-family oriented literart and art magazine) has been printed in many forms since it's inception in 1994, but starting in 2014 cc&d is being released every other months as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only it's usual ISSN#, but also an ISBN#. In honor of the 2014 ISBN# issue/book releases, all issues now carry a title to accompany the new format. Writers and artists in this book include Janet Kuypers, Andrew H. Oerke, George Gott, Mel Waldman, Joshua Copeland, Rachel Park, Linda M. Crate, David Michael Jackson, Kelley Jean White MD, Linda Webb Aceto, Andrew L. Miller, Fritz Hamilton, Julie Kovacs, Devon Sova, Rex Sexton, Roger Cowin, Jerry Pendergast, Erren Kelly, Michael Lee Johnson, Anna Majeski, Eric Burbridge, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, C Ra McGuirt, Daniel Stockwell, Brian Forrest art, Joseph Bodie, Benjamin Sabin, Don Maurer, and art by Oz Hardwick.