Abraham eBook
Who was Abraham in the Bible?Abraham towers over many of the other personalities in Scripture. Even today, as “ the father of many nations,” he is revered in the world over as the patriarch of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Abraham' s model of trust in God' s promises has no equal. His uncompromising obedience to his Lord' s will is without parallel. Yet it would be easy for us to make of Abraham more than he actually was, for he was a human— flesh and blood— like us. His remarkable journey was actually the work of God' s gracious hand, which shaped and tested Abraham' s faith to make him worthy of the important role God had chosen to give him.If you' re wondering who Abraham was, or want to know how Abraham' s faith journey impacts your own, this book is for you!Abraham: Faithful Patriarch is part of the God' s People series by Northwestern Publishing House. It' s a wonderful collection about the lives and times of some of God' s chosen people. Plots and settings have been taken directly from the Bible, and each book features beautifully detailed, full-color illustrations.