Cosmic Vegetable
Cosmic Vegetable is an anthology of humorous science fiction and fantasy that may also officially qualify as a pharmaceutical drug. Thus, please consider the possibly serious side effects of reading this book: incessant smiling, muscle aches, laugh fits, stomach aches, crying, depression, wetting oneself, blindness, demonic possession, and finally, death by laugh-induced asphyxiation. Nevertheless, prepare to be thoroughly entertained. Within these pages you will find cats, six-breasted nymphs, space zombies, talking furries, romantic weaboos, sexy slime dancers, an over-eating insectavore, an uxorious time-bending physicist, thoughtful social commentary, fart jokes, and, of course, mobbins. Featuring 28 stories from some of today's most tintinnabulatious speculative fiction writers, with laughs from Adam Millard, Breanna R. Teintze, Christina Murphy, Chuck Robertson, David Perlmutter, Deborah Walker, Emilie Collyer, Erik Gern, Fred Russell, James Aquilone, James S. Dorr, Jason Andrew, Jody Giardina, John Vicary, Margaret Karmazin, Matthew Wilson, Melodie Corrigall, Mike Scott Thomson, Mjke Wood, Regan W.H. Macaulay, Richard Jay Goldstein, Robert Lowell Russell, Ross Landers, Stephenson Muret, Steve Rodgers, Tom Barlow, Wayne Helge and William Burleson. The Physics Of Forever by Richard Jay Goldstein Daily Life In Ancient America by Fred Russell And Think of England by Melodie Corrigall Insectivoracious by James Aquilone Victory Of The Dark Lord by Jason Andrew Too Much Of A Good Thing by Chuck Robertson Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Procyon VII Slime Dancers' Beaux by James S. Dorr Freedoskee by Margaret Karmazin Introducing Entropy Girl by Wayne Helge The Escape Of The Six-Breasted Nymphs by William Burleson The Not-So Supermen by Mike Scott Thomson Honey The Barbarian And The Geis by Deborah Walker Daring Dover by Erik Gern Weaboo In Love by Ross Landers What You Wish For by Emilie Collyer Pie In The Sky by Catherine Foster The One Perfect Snowflake by Christina Murphy The Question by Robert Lowell Russell Space Zombies And Felines Unite! by Regan W.H. Macaulay Ship Of Fools by Mjke Wood Hoppers by Steve Rodgers Going Green by Matthew Wilson Yule Tide by Stephenson Muret The Princess Murder Case by David Perlmutter Merdeux by Jody Giardina Can You Read That Asteroid From Here? by Adam Millard Genrecide by Breanna R. Teintze One Heart, So Many Vegetables by Tom Barlow