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Forty Years Observation of Music and the Drama
Forty Years Observation of Music and the Drama
In grandfather's day, the world was full of horses--pulling streetcars, delivering milk, or carrying soldiers--and today, even though horses aren't used for these things, there are still horses left.
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Copeland and Afshari's Principles and Practice of Cornea
Copeland and Afshari's Principles and Practice of Cornea
The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye covering the iris and the pupil, allowing light to enter and covering two thirds of the eye’s focusing tasks. This two volume set is a comprehensive guide to the latest research and techniques for the cornea. Beginning with basic science, examination techniques and epidemiology, the following chapters discuss the diagnosis and the medical and surgical treatment of numerous different conditions and diseases that may affect the cornea. Written by an extensive international editor and author team, this manual features more than 1300 full colour clinical and histopathological images, as well as a DVD demonstrating a multitude of surgical techniques described in the book. Key points Comprehensive two volume set describing diagnosis and treatment of numerous corneal disorders Features more than 1300 colour images and illustrations Includes a DVD demonstrating surgical techniques and procedures Extensive international author and editor team
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Island Biogeography
Island Biogeography
A definitive new review of the island biogeography literature, explaining how islands have been used as natural laboratories in developing and testing ecological and evolutionary theories. Examines the chief threats to island species together with conservation strategies specifically tailored to islands.
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Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics, Second Edition
Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics, Second Edition
Lasers are employed throughout science and technology, in fundamental research in chemistry, physics and engineering, the remote sensing and analysis of atmospheric gases or pollutants, communications, medical diagnostics and therapies, and in various forms of manufacturing, including microelectronic devices. Understanding the principles of the operation of lasers which underlies all of these areas is essential for a modern scientific education. Building on the first edition, Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics Second Edition includes experiments with new and improved methods and instrumentation. It explores the characteristics and operation of lasers through laboratory experiments designed for the undergraduate curricula in chemistry and physics. Introductory chapters describe the properties of light, the history of laser invention, the atomic, molecular, and optical principles behind how lasers work and the most important kinds of lasers available today. Other chapters include the basic theory of spectroscopy and computational chemistry used to interpret laser experiments and the applications of lasers in spectroscopy and photochemistry. Experiments range from simple in-class demonstrations to more elaborate configurations for advanced students. Each chapter has historical and theoretical background, as well as options suggested for variations on the prescribed experiments. This text will be useful for undergraduate students in advanced lab classes, for instructors designing these classes, or for graduate students beginning a career in laser science. It can also be used as a supplementary text for courses in molecular spectroscopy or optics.
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Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics
Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics
This book provides a collection of experiments to introduce lasers into the undergraduate curricula in Chemistry and Physics. A variety of experiments are included with different levels of complexity. All have background information, experimental details and the theoretical background necessary to interpret the results.
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Law and Order
Law and Order
Law and order has become a key issue throughout the world. Crime stories saturate the mass media and politicians shrilly compete with each other in a race to be the toughest on crime. Prisons are crammed to bursting point, and police powers and resources extended repeatedly. After decades of explosive increase in crime rates, these have plummeted throughout the Western world in the 1990s. Yet fear of crime and violence, and the security industries catering for these anxieties, grow relentlessly. This book offers an up-to-date analysis of these contemporary trends by providing all honest and concerned citizens with a concise yet comprehensive survey of the sources of current problems and anxieties about crime. It shows that the dominant tough law and order approach to crime is based on fallacies about its nature, sources, and what works in terms of crime control. Instead it argues that the growth of crime has deep-seated causes, so that policing and penal policy at best can only temporarily hold a lid down on offending. The book is intended to inform public debate about these vital issues through a critical deconstruction of prevailing orthodoxy. With its focus on current policies, problems and debates this book is also an excellent introduction to criminology for the growing numbers of students of the subject at all levels.
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Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching
Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching
Discover proven strategies for applying positive psychology within your coaching practice Written by Robert Biswas-Diener, a respected researcher, psychologist, life and organizational coach, and expert in positive psychology, Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching presents a wide range of practical interventions and tools you can put to use right away in your coaching practice. Each intervention is clearly outlined and, where appropriate, illustrated by case studies from organizational and life coaching. Providing unique assessments that can be used to evaluate client resources and goals, this practical guide introduces tools unique to this book that every professional can use in their practice, including: Findings from new research on goal commitment strategies, motivation, growth-mindset theory, and goal revision A decision tree for working specifically with Snyder's Hope Theory in the coaching context An easy-to-use assessment of "positive diagnosis," which measures client strengths, values, positive orientation toward the future, and satisfaction Measures of self-esteem, optimism, happiness, personal strengths, motivation, and creativity Guidance for leading clients through organizational and common life transitions including layoffs, leadership changes, university graduation, middle age, and retirement Filled with reflective exercises for use in your own personal and professional development, Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching also includes guidance and recommendations for marketing a positive psychology coaching practice.
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Becoming a Master Manager
Becoming a Master Manager
Integrating theory and empirical evidence, Becoming a Master helps students and future managers master the dynamics and intricacies of the modern business environment. The text’s unique “competing values framework” provides a deep and holistic understanding of what is required to effectively manage any type of organization. Readers learn to develop and apply critical managerial skills that encourage change, promote adaptability, build stability, maintain continuity, strengthen commitment and cohesion, and yield positive organizational results. The seventh edition features new and revised content throughout, offering students a comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of critical management competencies and their underlying theoretical value intentions and real-life application. Throughout the text, classroom-tested exercises enable students to assess, analyze, practice, and apply the material while gaining insight into the paradoxes and contradictions that make the practice of management so complex.
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Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease
Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease
This widely acclaimed book is a complete, authoritative reference on nutrition and its role in contemporary medicine, dietetics, nursing, public health, and public policy. Distinguished international experts provide in-depth information on historical landmarks in nutrition, specific dietary components, nutrition in integrated biologic systems, nutritional assessment through the life cycle, nutrition in various clinical disorders, and public health and policy issues. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, Eleventh Edition, offers coverage of nutrition's role in disease prevention, international nutrition issues, public health concerns, the role of obesity in a variety of chronic illnesses, genetics as it applies to nutrition, and areas of major scientific progress relating nutrition to disease.
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