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The 5-Minute Clinical Consult Premium 2015
The 5-Minute Clinical Consult Premium 2015
The 5-Minute Clinical Consult Premium 2015 helps physicians and healthcare professionals provide the best patient care by delivering quick answers you can trust where and when you need it most. The 5-Minute Clinical Consult Premium 2015 provides seamless access to, where you,,ll find:2,000+ commonly encountered diseases and disorders Differential diagnosis support from an accessible, targeted search Treatment and diagnostic algorithms More than 1,250 customizable patient handouts from the AAFP ICD9, ICD10 and Snomed Codes Procedural and physical therapy videos Over 2,250 diagnostic images for over 840 topics ,Point-of-Care CME and CNE The 5-Minute Clinical Consult Premium 2015 provides the luxury of a traditional print product and delivers quick access the continually updated online content an ideal resource when you,,re treating patients. Written by esteemed internal medicine and family medicine practitioners and published by the leading publisher in medical content, The 5-Minute Clinical Consult Premium 2015: 1-Year Enhanced Online & Mobile Access + Print, 23e includes 1-Year access to is the quickest, most affordable, evidence-based workflow tool at the point-of-care. What an incredible program for any health care provider involved in diagnosing and treating patients! Awesome set up, great resource. current subscriber to
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A Penny's Worth of Minced Ham
A Penny's Worth of Minced Ham
The author grew up in Marion, Illinois, entering the first grade in 1930, the start of the Great Depression. This book, which recalls memorable episodes in Hastings' youth, is a sequel to his popular Nickel's Worth of Skim Milk, to be reissued in paperback simultaneously with this book.
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William Faulkner, American Writer
William Faulkner, American Writer
The definitive life of one of America's most important writers--for the first time, here are the connections between Faulkner's private life and public work, his influence on other writers, and the effect of America on his themes and preoccupations. Here, too, are the riveting details about his alcoholism, his troubled marriage, and stint as a Hollywood writer.
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The Book Publishing Industry
The Book Publishing Industry
This volume provides an innovative and detailed overview of the book publishing industry, including details about the business processes in editorial, marketing and production. The work explores the complex issues that occur every day in the publishing industry.
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Ecological Stoichiometry
Ecological Stoichiometry
All life is chemical. That fact underpins the developing field of ecological stoichiometry, the study of the balance of chemical elements in ecological interactions. This long-awaited book brings this field into its own as a unifying force in ecology and evolution. Synthesizing a wide range of knowledge, Robert Sterner and Jim Elser show how an understanding of the biochemical deployment of elements in organisms from microbes to metazoa provides the key to making sense of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. After summarizing the chemistry of elements and their relative abundance in Earth's environment, the authors proceed along a line of increasing complexity and scale from molecules to cells, individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. The book examines fundamental chemical constraints on ecological phenomena such as competition, herbivory, symbiosis, energy flow in food webs, and organic matter sequestration. In accessible prose and with clear mathematical models, the authors show how ecological stoichiometry can illuminate diverse fields of study, from metabolism to global change. Set to be a classic in the field, Ecological Stoichiometry is an indispensable resource for researchers, instructors, and students of ecology, evolution, physiology, and biogeochemistry. From the foreword by Peter Vitousek: ? "[T]his book represents a significant milestone in the history of ecology. . . . Love it or argue with it--and I do both--most ecologists will be influenced by the framework developed in this book. . . . There are points to question here, and many more to test . . . And if we are both lucky and good, this questioning and testing will advance our field beyond the level achieved in this book. I can't wait to get on with it."
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Seeing, Knowing, and Doing
Seeing, Knowing, and Doing
Perception is basic for human knowledge and a major concern of both epistemology and the philosophy of mind. The scholarship in this area, however, has left two important aspects of perception underexplored: its relevance to understanding a priori knowledge-traditionally conceived as independent of perception-and its role in human action. This book provides a full-scale account of perception, a theory of the a priori, and an account of how perception guides action. In exploring perception and action, it clarifies the relation between action and practical reasoning, the notion of rational action, and the relation between knowledge of the practical (of how things are done) and practical knowledge (knowing how to do things). In the first part of the book, Robert Audi lays out a theory of perception as experiential, representational, and causally connected with its objects. He argues that perception is a discriminative response to its objects; it embodies phenomenally distinctive elements; and it yields rich information that underlies human knowledge. Part Two presents a theory of self-evidence and the a priori. Audi's theory is perceptualist in that it explicates the apprehension of a priori truths by articulating its parallels to perception. The theory also unifies empirical and a priori knowledge by clarifying their reliable causal connections with their objects-connections many have thought impossible for a priori knowledge. The final part explores how perception guides action, the role of propositional knowledge in our abilities to do what we know how to do, the nature of reasons for action, the role of inference in determining it, and the overall conditions for its rationality. Addressing longstanding questions left unaddressed in the current literature, Audi's comprehensive theory of perception will appeal to scholars and students interested in philosophy of perception, mind, and epistemology.
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Context and Content
Context and Content
In Context and Content Robert Stalnaker develops a philosophical picture of the nature of speech and thought and the relations between them. Two themes in particular run through these collected essays: the role that the context in which speech takes place plays in accounting for the way language is used to express thought, and the role of the external environment in determining the contents of our thoughts. Stalnaker argues against the widespread assumption of the priority of linguistic over mental representation, which he suggests has had a distorting influence on our understanding. The first part of the book develops a framework for representing contexts and the way they interact with the interpretation of what is said in them. This framework is used to help to explain a range of linguistic phenomena concerning presupposition and assertion, conditional statements, the attribution of beliefs, and the use of names, descriptions, and pronouns to refer. Stalnaker then draws out the conception of thought and its content that is implicit in this framework. He defends externalism about thought—the assumption that our thoughts have the contents they have in virtue of the way we are situated in the world—and explores the role of linguistic action and linguistic structure in determining the contents of our thoughts. Context and Content offers philosophers and cognitive scientists a summation of Stalnaker's important and influential work in this area. His new introduction to the volume gives an overview of this work and offers a convenient way in for those who are new to it. The Oxford Cognitive Science series is a new forum for the best contemporary work in this flourishing field, where various disciplines—cognitive psychology, philosophy, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, and computational theory—join forces in the investigation of thought, awareness, understanding, and associated workings of the mind. Each book constitutes an original contribution to its subject, but will be accessible beyond the ranks of specialists, so as to reach a broad interdisciplinary readership. The series will be carefully shaped and steered with the aim of representing the most important developments in the field and bringing together its constituent disciplines.
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Going Into Politics
Going Into Politics
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Folk on the Delaware General Corporation Law: Fundamentals
Folk on the Delaware General Corporation Law: Fundamentals
For quick access to Delaware Corporation Law when you’re away from theoffice, here’s a handy portable version of Folk you caneasily carry to court in your briefcase. Adapted from the major 3-volumeanalysis of Delaware Corporation Law that is constantly cited by courtsand relied upon daily by corporate lawyers everywhere, Folk Fundamentalsgives you:The complete text of the Delaware General Corporation LawThe essential and most commonly used analytic elements of the larger set’scommentaryTake this convenient one-volume softcover “distillation” any place you need torefer to Folk on the spot.Organized for Quick and Easy Reference!Following the unique and convenient organizational format of the 3-volume set,Folk Fundamentals provides annotated commentary with each section ofthe statute. Each section’s commentary incorporates discussion of everysignificant court decision (including non-Delaware cases) that interprets thelanguage and intent of that section, and adds the incisive analysis of Folkand his successor authors. This expert commentary synthesizes statute, cases,and analysis into clear, up-to-date guidance that can be put to immediate usein any business activity or situation affected by Delaware Corporation Law.With Folk Fundamentals, you’ll be able to:Locate any provision of Delaware Corporation Law —quicklyQuote directly from the statute or commentary in the office or the courtroomSupport or counter arguments with Folk ’s proven analysis
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Critical Leadership Theory
Critical Leadership Theory
This book contributes five novel tenets for building a critical theory of leadership studies. Drawing from transdisciplinary insights, these tenets help shape the emerging field of inquiry. They also facilitate the examination of normative social processes that reinscribe hegemonic power relations — because much of what is accomplished in current leadership scholarship, teaching, and practice reinforces these power relations. The book begins by contrasting critical theory with positivist approaches to analyzing social phenomena, and what follows is an exploration of four broad disciplines using sub-components of leadership as an investigatory lens. The resulting five tenets are presented and discussed so that they may be picked up and used by scholars contributing to the developing field of critical leadership studies.
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