Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
This textbook was finalized during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. For years prior to the pandemic, clinical trials have shown improvement and cures of pulmonary disorders with the intravenous administration of mesenchymal stem cells. These cells are administered into the venous system, pass through the heart, and then lodge in the capillary network of the lungs where they decrease scar tissue and stimulate the regeneration of new lung tissue. The known benefits of cell therapy for pulmonary disease has been the foundation for the use of allogeneic stem cells to effectively treat (and in some cases cure) COVID-19-related lung disorders. Sadly, many of the highly qualified health care professionals caring for these critically ill patients are unfamiliar with the concept of stem cells and regenerative medicine. This unfamiliarity has resulted in patients throughout the world not receiving the benefit of these potentially life-saving treatments. The goal of this textbook is to provide a basic scientific and clinical multispecialty reference source for stem cells and regenerative medicine to be used as an extension of the American College of Regenerative Medicine.™ Chapters focus on basic science as well as the extravascular applications of regenerative medicine for all hard and soft tissues of the body including musculoskeletal and orthopedics, dental and maxillofacial surgery, and dermatology and plastic surgery. Other topics include plasma products such as PRP and PPP, tissue banking, stem cell expansion, and regulatory guidelines. It is our hope that this textbook will assist in the following areas: - Academic institutions will utilize this textbook as a reference source to educate health care professionals of the future, so that regenerative medicine is integrated into the core curriculum and foundation of medical learning. These professionals include medical doctors of all specialties, dentists and maxillofacial surgeons, veterinarians, researchers, nurses, study coordinators, physical therapists, occupational therapists, perfusionists, healthcare and life science attorneys, advocates, administrators, and policy makers. - Practicing health care professionals who have already finished their training will read this textbook with an open mind and understand more about stem cells and regenerative medicine. - To provide a foundation of accurate peer-reviewed scientific and clinical information for patient and industry advocates, as well as those involved in formulation of health care policy.