Modern Messages from Green Gables on Loving, Living and Learning
Many people have read and been inspired by the Anne of Green Gables novels. However, few may know very much about the extraordinary intuition, brilliance, creativity, and productivity of the Anne-author, Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942). Fewer still may understand how Montgomery was much ahead of her time as a feminist and an advocate for women’s roles in society—as reflected in her writings and life story. This book encourages readers to imagine how Montgomery’s life experiences influenced “the life of Anne” and consider how these real and imaginary lives offer messages for 21st century men and women—their loving, living, and lifelong learning. It offers such understanding by revivifying Anne a little more than 100 years after she left her literary existence in 1919, to portray her life story—fundamentally tied to loving. The revivified Anne and her physician husband Gilbert Blythe, review the life, challenges, and triumphs of their creator, and how Montgomery’s example might offer messages for us on living and learning. Anne and Gilbert know that Montgomery was a keen observer of others—akin to many of the characters in her books. They describe how Montgomery imaginatively captured the essence of the people around her. The associations include not only the benevolent individuals on her beloved Prince Edward Island and in Ontario, Canada, but also the bigotry, sexual repression, and small mindedness common in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The revivified Ann and Gilbert in this book illuminate Anne’s and Montgomery’s lives that portray integrity, tolerance, compassion, generosity, perseverance, and graciousness—even in times of personal adversity. When these traits are combined with lifelong learning, creativity, and a dedication of service to humanity, we realize enduring messages for all members of the global community in our modern times.