Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics
Widely regarded as the most authoritative and comprehensive book inits field, the fourth edition of Fundamentals of RockMechanics includes new and substantially updated chapters tothis highly praised text. Extensively updated throughout, this new edition containssubstantially expanded chapters on poroelasticity, wavepropogation, and subsurface stresses Features entirely new chapters on rock fractures andmicromechanical models of rock behaviour Discusses fundamental concepts such as stress and strain Offers a thorough introduction to the subject before expertlydelving into a fundamental, self-contained discussion of specifictopics Unavailable for many years, now back by popular demand. An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Pleasecontact our Higher Education team at ahref="" more information. Reviews: “With this attention to detail, and rigorous adherence toclarity and exactness in description, this edition will consolidatethe standing achieved by the earlier editions as a mostauthoritative and comprehensive book in its field. It will continueto serve as a leading reference work for geoscientists interestedin structural geology, tectonics and petrophysics as well as forcivil, mining and petroleum engineers.” (PetroleumGeoscience) "...I consider this book to be an invaluable reference forstudying and understanding the fundamental science at the base ofrock mechanics. I believe this to be a must-have textbook and Istrongly recommend it to anyone, student or professional,interested in the subject." (Rock Mechanics and RockEngineering) "An excellent book, very well presented, and is a must for theshelves of serious engineers and scientists active or interested inthe fields of rock mechanics and rock engineering.... Highlyrecommended." (South African Geographical Journal, 2008)