The work of uncovering wisdom is also like panning for gold. We swish through the streams of experience, and we find a spangle here and there. In Expla"nation," author Rick Tobin offers those spangles, those nuggets of truth, through a series of letters written to his grandson. From abomination to termination, Tobin shares his important life experiences and opinions with his grandson. He explores doubts, fears, and perplexities that are found in various situations, and he illustrates how to find answers and personal truths to be a better person. The chapter "Alter"nation"" speaks about the importance of truth and trust. In "Condem"nation,"" Tobin addresses the concept of working first and playing later as a rule to follow not only in school but in life. Insecurity and how it can contaminate one's life is discussed in the chapter "Contami"nation,"" and the antidote is determination. Revolving around universal themes, Expla"nation" speaks not only to Tobin's grandson, but to all of us who may be seeking the nuggets, the spangles, the wisdoms of life that help us to be better people.