Paper Chromatography
Paper Chromatography: A Laboratory Manual focuses on methods, technologies, and processes, and aims to provide readers with a readily accessible source for the uses and adaptations of paper chromatography. The book first offers information on general methods, including descending, ascending, and ascending-descending chromatography, filter paper ""chromatopile"", ""reversed phase"" paper chromatography, and paper electrophoresis. The text then elaborates on quantitative methods and amino acids, amines, and proteins. Discussions focus on visual comparison, elution, area of spot, total color of spot, maximum color density, identification of amines, separation of proteins, and general directions. The publication examines carbohydrates and aliphatic acids and steroids. Topics include simple sugars, miscellaneous derived sugars, and aliphatic acids. The text also ponders on purines, pyrimidines, and related substances and phenols, aromatic acids, and porphyrins. The text is a valuable reference for readers interested in paper chromatography.