Supernatural Fiction Writers
The "Scribner Writers Series has set the standard for literary reference for more than 25 years. In addition to addressing the lives and careers of important writers, the articles discuss the themes and a styles of major works and place them in pertinent historical, social and political concerns for today's readers. Novelists, playwrights, essayists, poets, short story writers, and more recently, genre writers in science fiction and mystery, are all expertly discussed in the more than 17 sets comprising this series. To see listings of writers for any volume in this section, go to the "Scribner Writers Series section online at J.K. Rowling, Peter Straub, Anne McCaffrey--these are among the many widely-read authors in fantasy and horror genres covered in this addition to Scribner's 1985 two-volume set. Essays written by scholars--yet accessible to the general reader and student--treat both writers who have risen to prominence since the 1985 edition, and those whose careers have continued since original coverage, such as Stephen King, Ursula K. LeGuin, and Harlan Ellison. The index cumulates the index from the first two volumes.