Concepts of Real Analysis
Concepts of Real Analysis is a student friendly text book on real analysis, a topic taught as part of the undergraduate mathematics syllabus of pass and honours courses of all Indian universities. All the relevant topics of real analysis such as real numbers, sequences and series, limit, continuity, derivatives, Riemann Integration, improper integration, sequence and series of functions, power series etc. are covered in a lucid manner in the book. Each concept is explained with the help of solved examples. Remarks are provided whenever special attention is required about some aspects of a definition or of a result. Diagrams and graphs are provided for further comprehension of a topic or a result, whenever felt necessary. Illustrative examples are provided at the end of each topic, which is followed by exercises. Overall, it is a complete-in-itself book on real analysis, suitable for students and teachers alike. Salient Features 1. Covers the entire syllabus of Real Analysis taught in the undergraduate level courses including B.Sc. (H), B.A. (Prog.), and B.Sc. (Prog.) of all Indian Universities. 2. Written in simple language. 3. Emphasis on logical, step-by-step development of proofs. 4. More than 450 solved examples and 50 diagrams. 5. Sufficient explanations are provided for the concepts introduced and results provided. 6. Remarks are provided to highlight any special aspect of a definition or a result, which might go unnoticed by the readers. 7. Student-friendly approach. 8. Appendix is added to provide the basics for curve tracing.