Ars Amatoria
Ars Amatoria, praeclarum Ovidii opus, egregium de amandi arte tractatum est, quod ab antiqua Roma usque ad hoc saeculum nostrum omnes omnis aetatis lectores allicuit. In hac poetica doctrina, in tres libros divisa, auctor argutas sententias, ut lector amorem invenire, amantem seducere cupiditatemque in relationibus retinere possit, praebet. Opere tam viris quam feminis destinato, Ovidius levi et iocoso stilo cum mythologiae atque cotidianae Romanorum vitae ornatu, amoris cupiditatisque arcana explicat. Ars Amatoria, the famous work of Ovid, is an excellent treatise on the art of love, which has captivated readers of all ages from ancient Rome to our present century. In this poetic doctrine, divided into three books, the author offers witty insights to help the reader find love, seduce a lover, and retain desire in relationships. Aimed at both men and women, Ovid explains the secrets of love and desire with a light and playful style, adorned with elements of Roman mythology and daily life